Oxylite Refinery

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Oxylite Refinery is a Refinement building capable of producing Oxylite from Oxygen and a small amount of Gold. It is unlocked by the Catalytics research.


The Oxylite Refinery is resource intensive to build and maintain. Its main purpose is the production of solid oxidizer for Rockets.

It also can serve to combat oxygen overproduction by turning oxygen into solid that is marginally easier to store and transport than gaseous oxygen.

Compared to Dense Pufts, Oxylite Refineries are slightly more efficient at converting Oxygen into Oxylite (100% vs. 95%), but consume some Gold, require a large amount of power, and generate a significant amount of heat.

It is balanced by being more reliable, less labour-intensive and taking up less space than Puft farming.

It dumps the Oxylite in in front of it when its internal storage reaches 10 kg.

Heat economy

Theoretically, refinery can be run as net heat negative as it deletes some mass, however ratios are so thin that it is not practically viable. While it is still beneficial to input pre-heated materials, it mostly serves to minimize the static heat output of the building.


  • Oxylite refinery will always consume 1.2 kW regardless of how much oxygen is inputted, i.e. if you input 100 g/s of oxygen, it will output 100 g/s oxylite while consuming 1.2 kW.
  • The Oxylite that it produces is dumped onto the ground in front of it. This causes the Oxylite to almost immediately sublimate, which is a waste. This can be addressed by immersing the building a shallow pool, with perhaps a deeper recess for a Storage Bin to store the Oxylite in.
