Salt Water Geyser

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Salt Water Geyser is a renewable source of Salt Water which can be found in the Tide Pool Biome. One uncovered Salt Water Geyser is guaranteed to spawn in a Tide Pool Biome and more covered ones may be found in such a biome as well.

Like all other Geysers, the Salt Water Geyser can overpressurize. It will emit until the pressure in the tile above its Tile of interest exceeds 500kg.

It is in the highest tier of water-related geyser, averaging 3000 g/s of Salt Water overall.

  • Putting the Salt Water into a Desalinator will return 93% of its mass back as Water and the remaining 7% as Salt.
  • Boiling the Salt Water (at 100°C) will yield 93% of its mass as Steam and the remaining 7% as Salt. Because it comes out of the geyser at 95°, this is a very efficient option.
  • Freezing the Salt Water (at -7.5°C) will yield 23% of its mass as Brine and 77% of its mass as Ice.


  • The average Salt Water Geyser can support 360 domestic Waterweed. Note that Waterweed has a maximum temperature of 65 °C.
  • Linking one Geotuner to the Geyser will increase its water temperature to 115 °C, instantly boiling it. It will also increase the water output. Linking two Geotuners or more will make it hot enough to run Steam turbines. This will eliminate the need for a Desalinator and a Liquid Pump while also generating a bit of extra power. On another hand, the Geotuners will have a small Bleach Stone upkeep which can be challenging to source sustainably.
    • There is a synergy between geotuned Salt Water Geysers and Chlorine Gas Vent. Geotuned Chlorine Gas Vent requires Salt, which the Salt Water Geyser provides and Chlorine can be fed to Squeaky Pufts to produce Bleach.
