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An infobox for displaying building information.


| name =               It will default to the page name.
| image =              It will default to "(name parameter [or page name]).png". To specify no image should be used, use "none".
| desc =               Description to be displayed below image.
| tooltip =            In-game tooltip or flavor text to be displayed in italics.
| width =              Width of the structure, in tiles.
| height =             Height of the structure, in tiles.
| cat =                Category of item. Usually Ruins, Geysers or Special. Use of this parameter is strongly encouraged.
| category =            ` ` ` (alias of cat)
| heat =               Heat generated by structure.
| overheat =           Temperature structure overheats at.
| freeze =             Temperature structure freezes at.
| decor =              Decor value.
| decor radius =       Decor radius.
| requires =           Special conditions to operate structure.
| effects =            Special effects facilitated by the structure.
| auto in green =      Building behavior when receiving a green signal.
| auto in red =        Building behavior when receiving a red signal.
| auto out green =     Building behavior when emitting a green signal.
| auto out red =       Building behavior when emitting a red signal.
| deconstruct =        Whether the structure can be deconstructed or not.
| material =           If deconstructible, the material the structure is made of.
| amount =             If deconstructable, the mass (amount of material) of the structure, in kilograms.


Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier

| name = Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier
| desc = A self-sustaining machine powered by what appears to be refined [[Neutronium]].<br><br>Absorbs and neutralizes Heat energy when supplied with [[Hydrogen]] 
| cat = Ruins
| width = 4
| height = 5
| decor = +15
| decor radius = 3
| heat = -80000
| freeze = -173.2
| overheat = 125
| requires = [[Hydrogen]]: -10 g/s
| deconstruct = Demolition


| name = Window
| desc = A tall, thin window.
| width = 1
| height = 6
| cat = Ruins
| decor = +25
| decor radius = 4
| deconstruct = yes
| material = Glass
| amount = 25

Security Door

| name = Security Door <small>(Interior Variant)</small>
| image = Security Door Interior.png
| desc =A strong door with a sophisticated genetic lock.
| width = 1
| height = 2
| cat = Ruins
| auto in green = Open
| auto in red = Close and lock
| deconstruct = yes
| material = Metal Ore
| amount = 100

No Image

This example uses an infobox for the Natural Gas Geyser, but edited to not display any image.

| name = Natural Gas Geyser
| image = None
| desc = A highly pressurized geyser that periodically erupts with hot [[Natural Gas]].
| cat = Geysers
| width = 2
| height = 4
| effects = [[Natural Gas]]: Average 105 g/s @ 150 °C
| decor = +10
| decor radius = 2