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此更新日志由 Xheepey87 完成翻译并首发于B站贴吧或科雷官方渠道。

EX1-456658缺氧:眼冒金星!在 2021 年 03 月 18 日(太平洋时间)发布的更新。



Hello everyone!

The public testing branch is being updated again today! So far the update features the new Radbolt Engine which allows rockets to quickly travel long ranges, but with a lower module count.

We've also got two more features almost ready to go but they didn't quite make it into today's patch: Plant mutations and the Interplanetary Launcher. Keep your eyes peeled for those in the next couple patches!

We've been going full tilt on new features since January. It is important to us that the overall scope of both multi-asteroid play and radiation are in the game and playable for you to experience. We know that there are a number of issues in the game right now that you've brought up, so after this update goes out in 2 weeks, we're going to shift gears to addressing feedback, stability, and balance. We really appreciate all the support and encouragement that you give us, as our small team has to really balance priorities during development. We want you to know that your concerns have been heard and we will try to address them over the coming updates, starting with adding a larger "classic" asteroid size to the asteroid selection.

As always, we're reading your feedback and greatly appreciate the bugs you report. Thank you so much for playing the game in Early Access, stay safe and take care!


Here are the changes we've made so far in this update, loosely categorized:


  • 添加了高能粒子引擎
  • 添加了高能粒子推进学科技,将低温燃料推进学和丰碑科技移到了更高的等级
  • 放射性物质现在会向星球释放辐射(矿石方面仍在进行中)


  • 翻译更新
  • 调整了火箭舱块线宽一致
  • 熔毁音乐最后新添加了一段


  • 修复了火箭引擎在飞行到下一格子会漏资源的问题
  • 修复了火箭平台在火箭着陆时会抖动的问题
  • 修复了选择火箭目的地为星图的边界导致的崩溃
  • 火箭平台现在脚手架现在着色正确
  • 修复了复制人在载货开包器动画中手臂断开的问题
  • 调整了辐射建筑菜单图标以匹配概览图标

如果你发现了一个 BUG,请提交到科雷的 BUG 追踪器.


页面 页面当前版本
辐射粒子引擎 486499
技术/辐射粒子推进 552078
丰碑 552078
技术/低温燃料推进 552078
技术 552078