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Bammoths are large critters found in the Cool Pool Biome that consume Plume Squash. They excrete Bammoth Patty which can be crushed into Clay and Phosphorite. After eating, their fur grows which can be sheared for Reed Fiber. Bammoths drop large amounts of Meat on death.


As a large critter, bammoths exhibit unique pathing behavior.

  1. They require 2-tile height pathways
  2. They cannot jump across gaps
  3. They can only jump to 2-tile wide platforms.

Updated bammoth pathing colorblind safe.png

In this diagram, the Bammoths can path to Dry Wall marked in blue, but not in red.


Each satisfied bammoth requires 4 domestic or 16 wild Plume Squash Plant to maintain. Bammoths can either graze on the plant or be fed Plume Squash directly, excreting 30 kg of Bammoth Patty every cycle. For each 1 kg of bammoth patty excreted, 1000 Floral Scent germs are emitted at the patty's location. Having bammoths graze on Plume Squash Plant poses unique challenges in space requirements. The large amount of space allocated for Plume Squash Plant can easily exceed the personal space requirement for a bammoth (16 tiles), resulting in stables with not enough plants for the maximum number of critters.

Bammoth Patty can be crushed at a Rock Crusher to produce about 73% Clay and about 26% Phosphorite. A satisfied bammoth produces 22 kg of Clay and 8 kg of Phosphorite per cycle after crushing.


Bammoths spawn at 50C and will continuously produce 1.3 kDTU/s. Bammoth's thick insulation also makes them impossible to cool down in the presence of elements with low Thermal Conductivity such as Carbon Dioxide, Chlorine, or Vacuum, eventually making them overheat, and accidental exposure to high conductivity elements like Mercury or Polluted Water may be difficult to undo. Furthermore, the Bammoth Patty it excretes is based off its body temperature. Care should be taken when keeping bammoths in the same room as Plume Squash Plant which temperature range is only between -55C and -14C - Bammoth patties, excess bammoths, and grazing bammoths all contribute to hotter stables. Actively sweeping patties, pruning excess bammoths, and cooling through a Thermo Aquatuner is advised to ensure the plants remain the correct temperatures.


Bammoths grow furry scales at a rate of 10%/cycle while under the effects of "Just Ate". The duration of "Just Ate" is directly proportional to how many calories it consumed in that sitting. A well-fed, satisfied Bammoth will always be under the effects of "Just Ate", while a well-fed glum bammoth will be under the effects of "Just Ate" for 1 cycle out of 5. Once their scale growth reaches 100%, it can be sheared at a Shearing Station to produce 5 units of Reed Fiber. Note that Bammoths scale growth starts at 25% instead of 100%.

Food economy

With a reproduction rate of 1 egg every 12 cycles, a Bammoth could reasonably lay 15 eggs over its 200 cycle lifecycle. As a Bammoth drops 22400 kcal of meat on death, a Bammoth produces about 1680(2100 BBQ) kcal per cycle. As adult Bammoths consume 1778 calories/cycle of Plume Squash, they roughly convert Plume Squash to Meat at 97% calorie efficiency.

Compared with a typical critter like Hatches, a Bammoth lives twice as long, and produces the same number of eggs in its lifetime, but it drops 7x more meat, and the eggs are 4x larger, hence critter per cycle basis, a Bammoth drops 3.5x more meat, and 2x more egg/eggshell. However unlike most critters, a Bammoth must be fed edible food, hence while the drop rate is impressive, it actually produces no net calories.


U52-623711: Fixed a Bammoth navigation issue preventing them from going down one cell.

U52-622222: Official release