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This article is related to The Frosty Planet Pack content.

Mercury is a metallic Liquid. It is particularly useful as a thermal conductor.


  • Despite its low Specific Heat Capacity, Mercury's high Thermal Conductivity of 8.300 (more than four times that of Petroleum), as well as its low freezing point and high boiling point (-38.8°C and 356.8°C respectively), makes it an excellent thermal conductor in both freezing and boiling temperatures alike.
  • Its low specific heat capacity means, however, that it is not suited to being used as a coolant for the Metal Refinery. Depending on the metal being refined, even mercury starting at subzero temperatures may immediately vaporize into a gas.
  • Mercury's thermal range makes it an ideal liquid to use in the construction of Liquid Airlocks in freezing/boiling temperatures before Nectar or Crude Oil has been discovered.
    • The liquid walls can be made by building tempshift plates out of Solid Mercury, which quickly melt. Other refined metal structures, such as Radiant liquid and gas pipes, also work well for this.
  • Mercury can be frozen into Solid Mercury, which is a Refined Metal that can be used to construct buildings in extremely low temperatures (below -40°C). This also means that players must be careful not to accidentally select it as a building material in higher temperature applications.
  • Solid mercury brought back into a base storage area will often quickly melt, so care should be taken when designating storage to avoid this.


  • Mercury can be refined from Cinnabar Ore via the Rock Crusher at a rate of 100kg Cinnabar Ore → 50kg Mercury + 50kg Sand.
  • Mercury can be refined from Cinnabar Ore via the Metal Refinery at a rate of 100kg Cinnabar Ore → 100kg Mercury.
  • Mercury can be harvested from the Ceres Ore Field Space POI.
