Ice-E Fan

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Ice-E Fan is used to cool down the gas around it. It does not require Power but has to be operated manually.


It provides an astounding -32 kDTU/s, but in most settings it will not be active all the time. Duplicants will cease operating it if the surrounding gas becomes "too cold", happening at 0°C or 32°F for the gas packet on it's tile of interest, the bottom left square of the building. The cool gas will dissipate and allow operation to resume soon after. Hydrogen will transfer the heat more efficiently than Oxygen, generally allowing for more operation time and lower average temperatures.

Regardless of gas type, if it manages to reach a low enough ambient temperature the building will shut off and give the message "Minimum Temperature Reached" stating it cannot cool the surrounding environment below 5°C. The exact threshold for this message is unclear, as the building is clearly able to chill some gas to a lower temperature, 0°C, and does not give this message until much of the surrounding gas in the room is already around 3°C. It is unlikely to occur in natural gameplay unless it is run in an insulated area with no additional heat sources.

The ice inside will not exchange temperature with the environment unless the fan is operated by a duplicant. If it turns to water, it can still be operated until it reaches 5°C. Once the Water/Polluted Water/Brine reaches 5°C or 41°F, it will drop on the ground as a water bottle rather than spilling.


  • For bonus heat destruction source Ice from Ice Maker, which itself is heat negative. (note that Ice Maker currently can only destroy 20% of heat from the water.)
  • Polluted Ice and Brine Ice, Snow, Crushed Ice can also be used for this machine and will drop bottled PH2O and Brine, Water respectively. Note that the ices will still melt at its melting point, however the machine will only drop bottled PH2O once the water reaches at 5 °C.
  • Ice-E Fan has a unique property of rapidly equalizing its temperature with surrounding tiles, up to 2 tiles away even when disabled, bypasses any insulation tiles that are in direct contact with it. Think of it as of 2x2 Tempshift Plate with 2x5 area of effect. Can be exploited for exotic heat transfer setups.
Ice-E Fan range.png