Wood Heater

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The Wood Heater is a Utility Building that consumes Wood to heat up its environment and to grant Duplicants temporary immunity against some cold-related debuffs.


Heat Production

Wood Heaters create 20kDTU/s of Heat, making them useful for warming up chilly environments.

Cold Resistance

Wood Heaters provide Duplicants temporary relief against some cold-based debuffs:

  • Duplicants near an active Wood Heater will be immune against the Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet debuffs for as long as they are inside of its range.
  • Shivering Duplicants who use Wood Heaters to warm up will recieve the Frost Resistance buff (immunity against Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet) for 0.2 cycles.

Cold-Immunity Range

Active Wood Heaters create a rectangular cold-immunity range around themselves in which Duplicants are immune against the Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet debuffs. This range is 9 cells wide and 4 cells tall, centered between the building's top cell and the cell above.

The cold-immunity range of a Wood Heater.


Wood Heaters emit Light in a circular 6-cell radius around their bottom tile. Its levels of light intensity are determined by imaginary layers of 45-degree-rotated squares surrounding the light source, with each cell of distance away from the source on the x-y axis sharing one layer. Each layer consists of its own light intensity:

  • Layers 1-2: 450 lux
  • Layers 3-5: 225 lux
  • Layer 6: 150 lux
  • Layers 7-8: 112 lux
    • Layers 7-8 are partially cut off by the Light range of the Wood Heater, so its light intensity only partially appears in the diagonal corners of the Wood Heater's Light range.
The Light range of a Wood Heater.



  • Even though Wood Heaters are able to counteract the effects of Chilly Surroundings and Soggy Feet, they have no effect against the Sopping Wet nor Frostbite debuffs.
  • Wood Heaters generate large amounts of heat, but are unable to melt themselves unlike other heat-producing buildings like Kilns and Thermo Aquatuners. This is because a Wood Heater that is at a temperature above but not including 500°C will not heat up any further until it cools below that temperature. It will still consume resources, emit light, cure coldness, and give immunity to the Chilly Surroundings effect in this state.
    • This is true regardless of the material of the Wood Heater, although likely intended to prevent going over the 583.5°C melting point of Cinnabar Ore.pngCinnabar Ore Mercury Gas.png.
  • Carbon Dioxide.pngCarbon Dioxide Liquid Carbon Dioxide.png is produced in the top cell of the heater.
    • Wood heaters do not overpressure at any pressure.


  • U52-616718: Introduced.
  • U52-618499: Increased building mass from 5kg to 100kg, preventing rapid runaway temperature increase.