Party Line Phone

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Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out.

The Party Line Phone is a recreational building which gives a variable Morale boost based whether they are alone on the line or more when others are on the line:

  • +1 (Less Anxious) when no other dupes are on the line
  • +2 (Full of Gossip) when at least one other dupe is on the line, and
  • +4 (Sociable) when another dupe is on the line across space.

The condition does not need to last the interaction. If a dupe only gets to talk to another dupe for a second they will still the greater morale bonus.

Any phone inside a Solo Spacefarer Nosecone or Spacefarer Module is considered to be in space even if unlaunched.

The interaction with the Party Line Phone lasts 40 seconds.