Polluted Water Vent

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Polluted Water Vent is a renewable source of Polluted Water but be careful of directly using it for water because it contains Food Poisoning Germs.

It is in the highest tier of water-related geyser, averaging 3000 g/s of Polluted Water overall. Putting the Polluted Water into a Water Sieve will return 100% of its mass back as Water, but will also turn Sand into Polluted Dirt. Alternatively, boiling the Polluted Water will yield 99% Steam and 1% Dirt.


  • Water Sieve can directly convert the Polluted Water to Water, but be wary because the water will still contain food poisoning germs when using it especially in Mush Bar, or other foods that need water, Water Cooler, or Espresso Machine. Be sure to process and remove the germs before usage to prevent the duplicants from having sickness.
  • The Polluted Water can be used to water Thimble Reed or other plants that requires polluted water using Hydroponic Farm Tiles. Note that it will transfer Food Poisoning germs onto the produced plant products; however, this is only an issue when growing SO icon.png Bog Buckets, which are the only directly-consumable food plant which requires Polluted Water to grow.


  • Because it produces 3kg/s of Polluted Water @ 30°C, it is possible to use a Water Sieve and then feed the water produced to supply Oxygen production using Electrolyzers. This will emit food poisoning germs into the air, but food poisoning germs cannot infect the duplicants through inhaling - only by eating or drinking.
  • The produced water can also used as an early coolant for Metal Refineries.