Hydroponic Farm

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Hydroponic Farm grows a single plant when sown with a seed. It can be used as floor tile and rotated (upside-down) before construction.


Hydroponic Farms allow liquid delivery for irrigation. Following plants are recommended to be planted with Hydroponic Farm:

Supplying wrong Liquid will stifle the plant growth until the Hydroponic Farm is emptied.


See Farm Tile for tips; Hydroponic Farms is just a pipe-able version of Farm Tile.

  • Irrigation (liquid delivery) is automated by Hydroponic Farm, but fertilization (solid delivery) will still need to be supplied by Duplicants.
  • Make sure duplicants can reach the farm tile either from above or below; duplicants cannot reach Pincha Pepper hanging installations from below without help if the room height is four or higher.


  • U47-561558: Plants wilting in a Hydroponic farm tile show a unique status item when their storage is saturated with the wrong irrigation liquid.