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此更新日誌由 Xheepey87 完成翻譯並首發於B站貼吧或科雷官方渠道。

EX1-464793缺氧:眼冒金星!在 2021 年 05 月 20 日(太平洋時間)發佈的更新。



Hi friends!

This update to the testing branch brings increased resource renewability with the introduction of Space Points-Of-Interest! Equip a rocket with the new Drillcone and start dredging those interplanetary riches! This system is still pretty raw though, with lots of balance and UI changes coming. Let us know how it's working for you so far!

We've also started putting artifacts back into the game, along with a number of new and updated points-of-interest to host them. And once you're done gathering them, you can teach your Duplicants the "Demolition" Skill and wipe those Gravitas buildings off the map (if you feel so inclined).

(Please note that both these features require regenerating the world, and both are subject to more tuning, so if you're not comfortable with re-restarting, it's probably best to wait for a few more patches before starting a new game.)

We're doing a rebalance of the tech tree, with two major parts. First, we'd always intended that the new research points were "Generic", but the Atomic Collider and Atomic Research Points made it seem overly specific. These are being rebranded as the Materials Study Terminal and Materials Science Research to make this more clear. Secondly, we're shifting around techs and costs (including moving all Orbital Research costs up one tier) to reduce the burden on unlocking tier 5 techs. We're still investigating further to try and balance the integration of the new mechanics nicely into existing gameplay.

We've made changes to the Radbolt Generators and overall radiation balance. There is increased control over Diagnostics criteria on the Diagnostics screen. Biome Codex entries have been finished up. And, be aware of some changes to bottled gasses and liquids: they can now liquefy/solidify if they get cold enough!

There's still more tuning and polish to come, but thanks in advance for checking out the test branch and letting us know how these changes are working out. And as always, please let us know if you find any bugs!


Here are the changes we've made so far in this update, loosely categorized:


  • 加入了太空地點(小行星帶),含有可再生資源
  • 加入了鑽頭鼻錐火箭模組,可以收集小行星帶的資源
  • 將文物加入眼冒金星!,分佈在新的遺蹟中
  • 加入了在診斷介面中調整特定診斷標準的功能


  • 瓶裝氣體和液體可以冷凝/凍結了
  • 碎片和瓶裝現在會在相變時產生第二物質,比如瓶裝汙水加熱會變成蒸氣和泥土
  • 用材料研究終端機取代了原子對撞機
  • 輻射粒子產生器現在可以設定存多少發射一次,最多 500(最少 50)
  • 調整了輻射粒子,以防止明顯的閉合迴路。撞擊時一些輻射會以核輻射的形式釋放
  • 科技樹調整,包括新增的條目,移動了一些建築物,調整了每級消耗點數
  • 許多遺蹟建築物可以由有技能的複製人拆除遺跡
  • 加入了火箭引擎關閉動畫
  • 小行星選擇行會根據診斷顯示狀態條目
  • 調整了一些儲存建築物的量表顏色,使其在色盲模式啟用或關閉時也有效
  • 火箭起飛速度現在取決於高而不是艙塊數。並調整了起飛加速度曲線
  • 更新了幾個生態的資料庫文字
  • 更新了韓語和俄語翻譯
  • (加入了)額外的資料庫故事
  • 調整了火箭固體貨港音效混合,調整了一些音效事件的時間
  • 修復了缺失的小輻射蜂擊中音效
  • 修復了缺失的輻射蜂咀嚼音效

Bug 修復

  • 火箭玻璃磚不再可替換
  • 改進了生成經典風格類地星團的規則以減少世界生成失敗次數
  • 修復了主選單動畫問題
  • 修復了發射火箭時可能發生的崩潰
  • 修復了火箭在起飛或著陸狀態時載入可能會有引擎滅火動畫
  • 修復了幾個火箭起飛/著陸的小錯誤,到處跳動或者消失了的問題
  • 修復了阻止一些資料庫的生態頁面顯示準確的植物和隻動物問題
  • 輻射粒子產生器進度條接入。儲存粒子的動畫(吸入的動畫)在超過 1/2 進度的時候播放
  • 修復了狀態彈窗資訊效果在世界邊界顯示的問題
  • 修復了介面元素和概覽資訊在世界邊界顯示的問題
  • 昇華機如果上方建了實心磚,也不會忽視氣壓限制了
  • 當診斷介面開著切換世界時,診斷行會更新了
  • 修復了有時會產生錯誤的診斷結果的問題
  • 逼迫自己效果在載入後仍會施加於壓力過大的複製人

如果你發現了一個 BUG,請提交到科雷的 BUG 追蹤器.


頁面 頁面目前版本
材料研究終端機 480747
原子研究 頁面不存在
研究 471883
技術 552078
輻射粒子產生器 575720
技能 頁面不存在
火箭(眼冒金星) 頁面不存在
星圖(眼冒金星) 479045
生態 356355