Massage Table

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The Massage table is used to reduce a Duplicant's stress level. It provides a direct -30% per cycle "Relaxing" condition, and can cure Sore Back after being used for some time.

Duplicants will only use the Massage Table if their stress is above the higher limit of a given table, and if its priority is at least as high as that of the highest free job. Dupes will not leave the massage table until their stress reaches the lower set limit, except to go to the bathroom, get food, breathe, go to sleep, or to perform a stress reaction.

Massage Clinic

Massage Tables efficiency can be doubled to 60% per cycle with the creation of the Massage Clinic room. It has to be the size of 12-64 tiles, has no industrial machinery, and has at least one decorative building.


  • Improving decor near Massage Tables will help reduce stress by helping improve morale.
  • Lack of oxygen will interrupt massage, slowing down stress relief.
  • Dupes are considered to be in the left bottom spot for decor and breathing purposes.
  • A Carpeted Tile, a Sun Lamp and Floral Scents (if not allergic) reduce stress by another 15%/cycle, 10%/cycle and 5%/cycle respectively.
