Metallic Swampy Asteroid

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This article is related to Spaced Out! content. There is a version of this article for the Base Game, see Asteroid Types.
Metallic Swampy Asteroid.png
Metallic Swampy Asteroids have a high concentration of metal and a swampy, polluted atmosphere

The Metallic Swampy Asteroid is a small starting asteroid with a Swampy Biome start.

Map Layout

Example Metallic Swampy Asteroid


The crust of the asteroid is covered in ice, polluted ice, and brine ice that's exposed to space. The ice is initially at -40°C to -60°C, but it's not insulated from the rest of the asteroid, and will eventually melt (after many cycles) and be mostly lost to space. If the Metallic Swampy Asteroid isn't your starting asteroid, this "countdown" until the ice melts will only start once you first place a rocket in orbit around the asteroid. While the interior of the asteroid is filled with plenty of polluted water, you might still prefer to save that ice as a source of initial clean water, salt, and cooling for your colony; in that case, you should plan to hold off on "discovering" the asteroid until you're ready to send several rovers to "rescue" the ice by mining it out and placing it in storage bins in the interior of the asteroid.


Guaranteed Geysers

Possible Additional Geysers

Resources from meteorites

See also