Somnium Synthesizer

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Somnium Synthesizer is a Story Trait that can generate in asteroids or planetoids, which is focused around the building of the same name. Once the story trait is completed, the Somnium Synthesizer is capable of providing a boost to several attributes of all Duplicants throughout the colony, as long as the right resources are provided.


The Somnium Synthesizer story trait generates a single point of interest: The eponymous Somnium Synthesizer centered in a 14 wide and 11 high room that tapers slightly towards the top. This room is symetrically made by Obsidian mosaic tiles, Glass Window Tiles, in the narrower, upper part, and 2 Gravitas Doors, the backwall consists of Lab Wall and Lab Window. In addition to the main feature there are 3 LED Lights at the ceiling, 1 Office Plant near the left door and a Pajama Cubby near the right door.

The Somnium Synthesizer is made out of Steel and can store 5 kg Oxygen and 25 Dream Journals,


When initially discovered, the Somnium Synthesizer building is inactive.


The first step is to let a dupe activate the building, which the player needs to request manually through a button in the Synthesizers' interface.


Once activated the Somnium Synthesizer need to be supplied with 25 Dream Journals and 5 kg of Oxygen. Oxygen can be piped via the Input Pipe located at the middle bottom cell, dupe-delivery of Dream Journals happens in the same cell. Usually the Somnium Synthesizer generates with enough Oxygen stored for this step.

Dream Journals are produced by duplicants during their sleep while wearing pajamas, dispensed from the Pajama Cubby. Every 300 seconds (half a cycle) one Journal is created.


Once enough Dream Journals and Oxygen are delivered, the story trait is ready for completion via the notifications in the interface. Completing the story trait unlocks the Maximum Aptitude Mode of the Somnium Synthesizer and gives a reward of one Keepsake, the Model Plane, which can be displayed on a Pedestal.

Maximum Aptitude Mode

Once the story trait is completed the Somnium Synthesizer starts to use 16.67 g/s Dream Journal and 500 g/s Oxygen to give every duplicant in the colony (including ones in rockets and on other asteroids) the Maximum Aptitude buff. Maximum Aptitude increases Athletics, Strength, Science, Piloting and Machinery by +5 and lowers Stress by -25%/cycle.

The Synthesizer needs 10 Journals per cycle to apply the buff indefinitely, which requires 6 dupes with only 2 Downtime (for a bathroom break) sleeping full time. Alternatively 7 balloon artists with 5 down time slots can be given their dream job to create the necessary amount and also have time to give balloons to other duplicants.


  • Somnium Synthesizer is called Megabrain in game files.


  • U43-525812: Introduced
  • U49-577063: A bug was fixed, which prevented the Somnium Synthesizer from creating new delivery errands after receiving a delivery of 0 journals

See Also