Liquid Chlorine

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Liquid Chlorine is the Liquid state of Chlorine element. It is converted from Chlorine by cooling it down to -37.6 °C (condensation point - 3 °C).


Due to relatively high condensation point of Chlorine gas, small amounts of Liquid Chlorine can be encountered naturally in the Frozen Biome, where temperatures can reach -40 °C. Chlorine is notable for its very low thermal capacity and conductivity, and liquid state at low temperature.


  • Gas Grass requires 500 grams of Liquid Chlorine irrigation per cycle.


  • Liquid Chlorine can be created by cooling down Chlorine below its condensation point. This can be done with Thermo Aquatuners and a liquid coolant with a <-40 °C freezing point (e.g. Ethanol). The Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier is also an option.
  • This content was added in Spaced Out It can be harvested on rocket missions to renewable Space POIs:
    • In Chlorine Cloud at a rate of 135 - 405 kg per cycle.
    • In Radioactive Gas Cloud at a rate of 9.1 - 36.4 kg per cycle.