Gas Vent

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Gas Vent allows gases within Gas Pipes to be released back into the Colony.


Gas vents can not release gas when the outside pressure is above 2000 g.

The vent is affected only by the pressure in it own tile. If the space contains multiple gases at differing pressures, it may release only intermittently, when low-pressure gas bubbles drift over its location. If that becomes a problem, placing several vents close together can give more chances for the piped gas to release.


It is possible to exceed the 2 kg pressure limit by placing the vent in small amount of liquid. This is considered an exploit, because it allows a vent to compress gases without any limit. An infinite amount of gas can be stored in a limited area.

To make this happen, place the vent in a puddle at least two tiles wide, with less than 2 kg of liquid in its own tile and the same amount to the side.

  • The liquid amount in the tile is important. 2 kg or more will overpressure the vent.
  • The width of the puddle is important, because the liquid must be able to flow out of the way when pushed by the released gas.
  • If there is nowhere for the liquid to be pushed, it will instead be deleted and the exploit will stop working.

See also

  • Gas Filter - can be used to isolate a specified gas into another gas pipe.
  • Insulated Gas Pipe - can be used to keep the gas temperature stable along the gas pipe route.
  • Gas Bridge - can be used to jump over other gas pipes, it also acts as a one-way bridge.
  • Gas Valve - can be used to limit the amount of gas that goes into the gas pipe, it also acts as a one-way bridge.
  • High Pressure Gas Vent - can be used to further increase gas pressure 10 times more than normal vent.
  • Anti Entropy Thermo-Nullifier - can be used to cool gasses by consuming hydrogen.
  • Thermo Regulator - can be used to cool gasses by using electricity.