Mini Gas Pump

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Mini Gas Pump allows the pumping of Gases in smaller quantities than the Gas Pump. Plastic is required to construct a Mini Gas Pump.

The Mini Gas Pump uses four times less power than the Gas Pump and is half the size, but only pumps 10% as much gas, making it less space and energy efficient overall. This makes it unsuitable for moving large volumes of gas.

Its usage is revealed when vacuuming out small or low pressure rooms- it is much more efficient

Compared to a Gas Pump


  • The low thermal conductivity of Plastic means that the pump heats very slowly; it can vacuum places like a Steam room that a Thermo Aquatuner has been heating before ever reaching its overheat temperature.
  • It can be rotated 360 degrees, unlike the standard Gas Pump which cannot be rotated at all. This can be useful to seal off an area with diagonal tile building.
  • It can pump gas from all the cells it covers, unlike the standard Gas Pump which cannot pump from the top right cell it occupies. This makes it much more efficient in small spaces.


  • It has an an overheat temperature of 75 °C and a melting point of 160 °C, making it unsuitable for very hot environments.
  • Plastic can be difficult to obtain early on.
