Liquid Valve

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Liquid Valve allows the player to control or stop the contents of a Liquid Pipe. Best to use after branching. Maintains pressure in an empty pipe before deconstructing it. Because it allows liquid flow only one way, it can also be used to give the game a hint what flow direction the liquid has when the pipe grid gets more complicated.


The Liquid Valve has a flow setting, ranging from 0 g/s to 10,000 g/s. This setting is the upper limit of the output liquid flow. For example, if the setting is set to 5 kg/s and input flow is 10 kg/s, the output flow is limited to 5 kg/s and excess liquid is blocked. If the setting is set to 5 kg/s and input flow is 3 kg/s, the output flow is 3 kg/s.

A valid flow setting is rounded the first decimal place and has the following limits:

  • the minimum flow is 0 g/s;
  • the maximum flow is 10,000 g/s;
  • the minimum, nonzero flow is 0.1 g/s (100 mg/s).

Switching the volume setting of Liquid Valve requires Duplicant operation, and takes some time.