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Shower is a plumbing Building that provides a +3 Morale bonus on use. Showers take 16 seconds to operate during which they consume 1 kg of Water and produce 1 kg of Polluted Water per second.


Duplicants will shower during the Downtime and Bathtime Schedule blocks. Showering removes the Soggy Feet and Sopping Wet debuff and provides +3 Morale.

Duplicants are unaffected by the temperature of the input Water. The presence of Germs in the Water does not affect the Shower's function. The output Polluted Water will be the same temperature as the input Water.

Showers take 16 seconds to complete, or 13.6 seconds with the "Lit Workspace" bonus. This is not affected by the Duplicant's Machinery attribute.

Sink and Shower Loop

Both Sinks and Showers produce the same amount of Polluted Water for the amount of Water they consume. This means that you can simply pipe the output of a Shower to a Water Sieve then connect the output of the Sieve back in and it will run forever without needing any additional water. The loop needs to be primed with a Liquid Pump first, then it can be disconnected once the clean Water side is full.

See Also


  • Until the Rocketry Upgrade, Showers were largely pointless since Sinks are faster for removing Germs and the "Grimy" effect was negligible. After the Rocketry Upgrade, Showers grant +3 Morale temporarily.