Plumbing (Building)

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Plumbing buildings are needed to maintain a subterranean asteroid base.

The majority of plumbing buildings are used to organize the flow of liquid around the base. This includes buildings that can be used to improve the hygiene of the colony.

List of plumbing buildings

In Name Description Automation Power Dimensions Materials Research
Empties bottled Liquids back into the world.
A bottle emptier's Element Filter can be used to designate areas for specific liquid storage.
1 x 3 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png
Carries Liquid, allowing extreme temperature exchange with overlapping buildings. 3 x 1 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Liquid Tuning
Carries Liquid with minimal change in Temperature.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Pipe insulation prevents liquid contents from siginificantly changing temperature in transit.
1 x 1 tiles
400 kg Liquid Pipe.png
Improved Plumbing
Gives Duplicants a place to relieve themselves.
Spreads very few Germs.
Lavatories transmit fewer germs to Duplicants' skin and require no emptying.
2 x 3 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Runs one Liquid Pipe section over another without joining them.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Separate pipe systems help preventing building damage caused by mingled pipe contents.
3 x 1 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png
Plumbing (Research)
Sieves one Liquid out of a mix, sending it into a dedicated Filtered Output Pipe.
Can only filter one liquid type at a time.
All liquids are sent into the building's output pipe, except the liquid chosen for filtering.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-120 W
3 x 1 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Tracks the mass of liquid flow through the pipe.
Connects to an Automation grid to automatically turn Liquid flow off when the specified amount has passed through it.
Green: Reset counter and start liquid flow
Red: Nothing
Green: When the total amount of liquid meets the set value.
Red: When the amount of liquid is below the set value.
-10 W
1 x 2 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
50 kg Plastic.png
Liquid Tuning
Sends a Green Signal when the selected Liquid is detected within a pipe.
Element Sensors can be used to detect the presence of a specific liquid in a pipe.
Green: Chosen Liquid is detected
Red: Chosen Liquid is not detected
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Liquid Tuning
Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal based on the internal Germ count of the pipe.
Germ sensors can help control automation behavior in the presence of germs.
Green: When the germ count in the pipe meets the criteria
Red: When the germ count in the pipe does not meet the criteria
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
50 kg Plastic.png
Pathogen Diagnostics
Sends a Green Signal or a Red Signal when pipe contents enter the chosen Temperature range.
Thermo sensors disable buildings when their pipe contents reach a certain temperature.
Green: When temperature of liquid content meets the criteria
Red: When temperature of liquid content does not meet the criteria
1 x 1 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Liquid Tuning
Carries Liquid between Outputs and Intakes.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Liquid pipes are used to connect the inputs and outputs of plumbed buildings.
1 x 1 tiles
100 kg Liquid Pipe.png/Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Plumbing (Research)
Draws in Liquid and runs it through Pipes.
Must be submerged in Liquid.
Piping a pump's output to a building's intake will send liquid to that building.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-240 W
2 x 2 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Plumbing (Research)
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Allows Liquids to be loaded in the Liquid Cargo Tank of a linked rocket.
Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform.
Uses the liquid filters set on the linked Rocket Platform.
Rockets must be landed to load or unload resources.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-240 W
2 x 2 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Flow Redirection
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Allows Liquids to be unloaded from the Liquid Cargo Tank of a linked rocket.
Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform.
It has build-in liquid filters.
Rockets must be landed to load or unload resources.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-240 W
2 x 3 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Flow Redirection
Connects to an Automation grid to automatically turn Liquid flow on or off.
Automated piping saves power and time by removing the need for Duplicant input.
Green: Turn flow on
Red: Turn flow off
-10 W
1 x 2 tiles
50 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Improved Plumbing
Controls the Liquid volume permitted through Pipes.
Valves control the amount of liquid that moves through pipes, preventing waste.
1 x 2 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Pressure Management
Releases Liquid from Liquid Pipes.
Vents are an exit point for liquids from plumbing systems.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
1 x 1 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Plumbing (Research)
Draws in a small amount of Liquid and runs it through Pipes.
Must be submerged in liquid.
Mini pumps are useful for moving small quantities of liquid with minimum power.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-60 W
1 x 2 tiles
100 kg Plastic.png
Valve Miniaturization
Gives Duplicants a place to relieve themselves.
Requires no Piping.
Must be periodically emptied of Polluted Dirt.
The colony that eats together, excretes together.
2 x 3 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png/Lumber.png
Manually pumps Liquid into bottles for transport.
Duplicants can only carry liquids that are bottled.
Pitcher Pumps allow Duplicants to bottle and deliver liquids from place to place.
2 x 8 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Raw Mineral.png
Carries Liquid, allowing extreme Temperature exchange with the surrounding environment.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Radiant pipes pumping cold liquid can be run through hot areas to help cool them down.
1 x 1 tiles
50 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Liquid Tuning
Improves Duplicant Morale and removes surface Germs.
Regularly showering will prevent Duplicants spreading germs to the things they touch.
2 x 4 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
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Gives Duplicants a place to relieve themselves. Empties directly on the other side of the wall.
Spreads very few Germs.
Wall Toilets transmit fewer germs to Duplicants and require no emptying.
1 x 3 tiles
100 kg Plastic.png
Liquid Distribution