Insulated Liquid Pipe

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Insulated Liquid Pipe is a type of Liquid Pipe that greatly slows down the heat exchange between the liquid content and the environment. It costs 4 times mass compared to regular Liquid Pipes.

Heat Exchange

The thermal conductivity of the Insulated Liquid Pipe is reduced to 3.125% of the thermal conductivity of the building material. Furthermore, when calculating the heat exchange between the liquid content and the Insulated Liquid Pipe, it uses the lower value of thermal conductivity (which is very likely the one of the insulated pipe) instead of the average value when calculating for regular Liquid Pipes. The 400% mass also means less temperature change for the same amount of DTU exchanged, which again slows down the heat transfer between insulated pipe and the surrounding tile.

Igneous Rock and Ceramic are the best materials to use. You may want to save Insulation for the most extreme scenarios.


  • Glass Forge outputs Molten Glass which may quickly freeze into solid Glass and damage regular liquid pipes. Use Insulated Liquid Pipe to prevent the pipe damage.
  • When cooling a liquid with Thermo Aquatuner, the input/output liquid content may get re-heated by the surrounding hot liquid. Use Insulated Liquid Pipe to keep the liquid content in low temperature.
