Bleach Stone Hopper

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Bleach Stone Hopper is a Refinement building that provides a controlled way to produce Bleach Stone.


The Bleach Stone Hopper consumes 480 W of Power. It can be automated with an Auto-Sweeper and will run on its own without a duplicant nearby. It transforms Salt and Gold into Bleach Stone and Sand.

Inputs Results
30 kg Salt 500 g Gold 20 kg Sand 10 kg Bleach Stone

The main point of the Bleach Stone Hopper is that it does not consume Chlorine in order to produce Bleach Stone. This is important on Asteroids that do not have Chlorine Gas Vents, because it means one would still be able to perform geotuning, and the Bleach Stone produced that way can also be used to release Chlorine through natural sublimation to create disinfection chambers or to pressurize certain Stables or greenhouses.

Unlike machineries such as the Kiln which simply drops their output on the floor, Bleach Stone and Sand hops out of the mock Squeaky Puft head on top of the machine 2000 grams at a time in both directions when it enters the eruption phase. So it is advised that the Auto-Sweeper manning this is connected to a Timer Sensor as to not have it waste energy picking up each 1000 g output one at a time.

The Bleach Stone Hopper produces between 230-250g/sec of Bleach Stone which is equivalent to 140-150 kg/cycle.

Bleach Stone Hopper have a great synergy with the Salt Water Geyser as the Bleach Stone made from the salt outputted by the geyser can be fed right back into Geotuners to increase output, and even produce a surplus of Bleach Stone for the colony to use to either conserve water, use in rockets, farming and more. Geotuned Salt Water Geysers also outputs scalding steam that can be used for power generation, making this Hopper able to run full-time yet still remain power-positive.


  • Even though the machine depicts Bleach Stone coming out of a mock Squeaky Puft head, Squeaky Pufts and all other types of Pufts expels solids through their tails, not their mouths, though perhaps that would be too graphic.