Molecular Forge

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Molecular Forge is a Refinement Building which is required to process Rare Materials brought back from space into high utility materials. Whether it's a liquid which does not freeze, a metal alloy which can withstand extreme temperatures, a liquid which stays in place or a material which near perfectly insulates, the Molecular Forge can make them all! But otherwise has no use early, before any space missions come back with cargo.


All recipes output with a minimal temperature of 40 °C.

The building has no piping, so Petroleum has to be brought manually through Pitcher Pump.

  • This content was added in Spaced Out Graphite to Fullerene


  • Due to its massive energy drain assigning a skilled operator to it and even placing a light-source nearby goes a long way in terms of efficiency.
  • Care is advised when making products that require Isoresin, since it has a melting point of 200°C. The Molecular Forge should be kept in room with temperature below 200°C, or else any nearby Isoresin will irreversibly melt into Naphtha.


  • U50-581979: Added more animations to the Molecular Forge when a Duplicant is operating it.