Sight-Seeing Module

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Sight-Seeing Module is a Rocket module that allows any Duplicant to ride along in a rocket as a passenger. It is not present in the Spaced Out DLC.

In the current version of the game:

The space tourist may come back with an Artifact (in addition to the one the pilot might recover), and will gain the "Visited Space" buff after the trip. The buff gives +8 Morale and +3 to all stats for 25 cycles.

In the earlier Launch Update version of the game:

The space tourist would come back with an Artifact and lose some stress, become overjoyed and gain the "Visited Space" buff after the trip. The buff gave +5 Morale and +3 to all stats for 10 cycles.


  • Duplicants do not require any life-support while inside the Sight-Seeing Module and will not leave it without the player's input, which allows the player to use it as a suspended animation equivalent.
  • Unlike the pilot, who will wait for a Gantry to be available before disembarking, the space tourist will be unceremoniously ejected from their module upon landing. Make sure they have a Jet Suit/Atmo Suit or at least a way to immediately escape the residual rocket thruster temperatures, or sacrifice a Gantry and leave it extended as the rocket is landing (which will "break" the Gantry, but the sight-seeing duplicant will at least be able to exit safely onto the now broken Gantry rather than find ground the hard way).
  • If all Duplicants on the colony are inserted into Sight-Seeing Modules, it will count the colony as having no duplicants alive. This WILL lead to the colony being considered as lost.