Biological Cargo Bay

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Biological Cargo Bay is used to bring home creatures and plant seeds from space missions.


Sending a space mission to a destination can bring back live biological material:

It has declared capacity of 100 kg but it usually returns home with less than its maximum.


  • Ice planets and Printing Pod are the only two source of Wort Seeds aside from Wheezeworts initially generated on the starting asteroid, and Organic masses are the only source of Gassy Moo and Gas Grass. The rest are only useful to bring critters back from extinction.
  • Destruction drops all the contents to the ground. But if there is Critter inside, it is recommended to build Gantry and Critter Drop-Off in Stable. Wait until Duplicants relocate the critter. Save the time capturing the critter and avoid it dying of extreme environment at Space Biome.

See also