Steam Engine (Spaced Out)

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This article is related to Spaced Out! content. There is a version of this article for the Base Game, see Steam Engine.

As opposed to the Base Game version of the Steam engine it has a much lower storage capacity for Steam at 150 kg.


  • Even though its range of 10 seems to only allow 5 tiles distance when round trip is taken into consideration, its cheap fuel and height allowance can stretch that distance considerably. By putting a rocket platform on a planetoid with a Gas Rocket Port Unloader powered by the rocket's own battery module, it can unload steam right out of the rocket's Gas Cargo Canister. Allowing a steam rocket to go to any planetoid within 10 hexes of its starting location, and 5 hexes roundtrip to any Space POI.
  • Thanks to it being slow, a steam rocket provides much more opportunities for a Duplicant to interact with the rocket controls, ensuring that dupe will max out piloting in only a few missions


  • It is much cheaper to build (200 kg of Refined Metal) comparing to its Base Game Version (2000 kg of Steel)
  • Its current description and flavor text is a word for word copy from the Base Game Version.
  • The only visual difference to its Base Game Version is a blue outline.

See Also