Carbon Dioxide Engine

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Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out.

The Carbon Dioxide Engine is one of the first engines available to the Dupes. It stores 100 kg Carbon Dioxide.

Since the Sugar Engine (which is similarly early unlocked) needs a resource that requires extensive preparation (and has other uses than being used as fuel), the Carbon Dioxide Engine is a more economical option. However, it has significant limitations.


Carbon Dioxide Engines cannot use additional fuel tanks, and the range is limited by the total amount of fuel that can be stored in the engine module itself. This gives the CO2 engine rocket a maximum range of 6 tiles. The maximum rocket height that the engine can support is just 10 tiles too; adding cargo modules is not a likely option.

Alone among the engines, this Engine does not produce electricity.

Easy Fueling

Fortunately, fueling the Engine is very easy. Indeed, upon landing, it is possible to collect the accumulated Carbon Dioxide from the breathing of the crew and channel it into the Engine; a Gas Filter might be needed to avoid mishaps.

Considering its limitations and advantages, the Engine is best for orbital research, or for travelling between the starting planetoid and its nearest neighbour.


When launching or landing, a rocket using a Carbon Dioxide Engine will create a CO2 exhaust cloud, with a temperature of around 200°C, regardless of the temperature of the CO2 stored in the engine. This will scald dupes if it doesn't dissipate into exposed space, though this temperature is still much more manageable than the exhaust of more powerful engines.


The engine resembles soda bottles that have been taped together.