Petroleum Engine (Spaced Out)

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Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out. There is a version of this article for the Base Game, see Petroleum Engine.

Similar to the Base Game version of the 'Petroleum engines, the Petroleum engine needs a fuel tank and Oxidizer Tank. This is in contrast to the Small Petroleum Engine, which has internal fuel storage.

Full sized Petroleum Engines use 90kg of fuel per hex, and the range can be extended by multiple fuel and oxidizer tanks, up to the height limit (less the capsule and, if necessary, nose cone.) A typical rocket build using this engine, with two large fuel tanks, and two small solid oxidizer tanks containing Oxylite will be able to travel 20 hexes, not quite enough range to reach the furthest edge of the map at a straight shot.

The Carbon Dioxide exhaust gas and head plume from a Petroleum Engine launch is hotter than 1400C and can melt some refined metals, metal ores and rock. (For example, Igneous rock Insulated tiles may not survive several consecutive launches.)

Visual difference to Base Game

See Also