Cargo Bay (Spaced Out)

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Spaced Out
This article is related to DLC content of Spaced Out. There is a version of this article for the Base Game, see Cargo Bay.

As opposed to the Base Game version of the 'Cargo Bays it no longer has a Conveyor Rail Output, instead, it is loaded and unloaded via a Building attached to the Rocket Platform, the Solid Rocket Port.

It holds less cargo per module, and per Rocket Burden than the Large Cargo Bay.

Burden Storage Storage/Burden
Cargo Bay (Spaced Out) Cargo Bay 4 12000 kg 3000kg/burden
Large Cargo Bay (Spaced Out) Large Cargo Bay 6 27000 kg 4500kg/burden


  • While constructed with 200kg Refined Metal, the Cargo Bay will have a mass of 300kg of that metal.
  • Its current description and flavor text is a word for word copy from the Base Game Version, referring to space missions, not the travel between Planetoids, as is the case in Spaced Out.

See Also

Visual difference to Base Game