Conveyor Loader

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Conveyor Loader loads Solid Materials onto Conveyor Rails for transport.

Only loads the resources of your choosing.

Requires Duplicant with Mechatronics Engineering skill to build.


Disabled conveyor loader will still be loaded by sweepers (and duplicants if manual operation is allowed). However, it will store the items in its inventory and will not set them down the rail. To get around this you can use Mechanized Airlocks to block the loader instead.


  • It stores only 1000 kg (or 50 tiles of rail network) and therefore, probably, should have intermediary Storage Bin nearby.
  • "Allow Manual Use" option must be selected inside the Conveyor Loader's menu in order for duplicants to load items by hand.
  • Items in the conveyor loader's inventory won't exchange heat with the conveyor loader directly, however, they will exchange heat with the tile behind the conveyor output and the tile below that behind the conveyor output.
  • If there is need to hold hot items and still cool the conveyor loader, it can be achieved by placing it sideways, drop liquid on the tile behind power input, provide vacuum at the tile behind the conveyor output and make sure the tile below the conveyor output is either vacuum or insulated well.
  • It takes 50 s to fully unload 1000 kg via conveyor rail, which is a speed of 20 kg/s. Knowing this time can help set a timer sensor connected to an Auto-Sweeper, reducing the power consumption of the sweeper (since it does not have to work the whole time on 120 W while only loading 20 kg debris per second). Auto-Sweepers need to be continuously enabled for 4 seconds to successfully pick up and store a single item.