Conveyor Meter

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Conveyor Meter is a building used to track and control the mass of solid passed on Conveyor Rails. It will shut off the rail once the total mass meets the set value.


A conveyor meter has a limit setting:

  • the minimum limit is 0 units;
  • the maximum limit is 500 units;
  • the minimum, nonzero limit is 0.001 units;

For most materials, 1 unit is equal to 1 kg. For items measured in units (such as eggs, seeds, Data Banks, or Reed Fiber), 1 unit is equal to 1 item. Additionally, conveyor meters cannot pass less than one unit of those items. If an item measured in units enters a Conveyor Meter with less than one unit remaining, exactly one unit of that item will be sent through, after which the Conveyor Meter reaches its limit.

See Also
