Conveyor Bridge

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Conveyor Bridge runs one Conveyor Rail section over another without joining them.

Like its Liquid and Gas counterparts, it can be run through Tiles and won't block the construction of Buildings.

It needs to be built by a Duplicant with the Mechatronics Engineering Skill.


The basic use of the Conveyor Bridge is cross seperate Conveyor Rails. To do so, its "Bridge" part (between input and output) needs to be placed on top of the rail that will be crossed. However, due to how the Bridge works, there are several other uses and tricks possible with it (see Tips).


  • Make sure the Conveyor Bridge is properly rotated before connecting it to a conveyor system (default key "O").
  • The Conveyor Bridge does not have an internal storage (unlike Conveyor Rails); it just sends any inbound materials from input to output instantly.
    • Due to it not having one, anything passing the Conveyor Bridge will not exchange heat with its surroundings.
  • Because "packets" of Solid Materials cannot be split (while Liquids and Gases can), the Conveyor Bridge won't "stack packets".
  • There are several Tricks that are possible with Conveyor Bridges:
    • If another output rail is connected at the Bridge's input, the solid will exclusively flow through the Bridge until its output is full. This is unlike the normal branching where it's split 50/50.
    • Conversely, if another input rail is connected at the Bridge's output, the solid from the Bridge will be blocked until the other input rail is empty.