Shipping (Building)

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Shipping buildings are used to automate supply errands. It is essentially a piping system for solid items.

List of shipping buildings

Network Elements

Building a shipping network requires a Duplicant with the Mechatronics Engineering skill.

In Name Description Automation Input Power Storage Dimensions Materials Research
Automates Sweeping and Supplying errands by sucking up all nearby Debris.
Materials are automatically delivered to any Conveyor Loader, Conveyor Receptacle, storage, or buildings within range.
An auto-sweeper's range can be viewed at any time by clicking on the building.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-120 W
3 x 1 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Smart Storage
Runs one Conveyor Rail section over another without joining them.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Separating rail systems helps ensure materials go to the intended destinations.
3 x 1 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Transport
Unloads Solid Materials from a Conveyor Rail onto the floor.
When materials reach the end of a rail they are dropped back into the world.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
1 x 1 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Transport
Loads Solid Materials onto Conveyor Rail for transport.
Only loads the resources of your choosing.
Material filters can be used to determine what resources are sent down the rail.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-120 W
1000 kg 1 x 2 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Transport
Tracks the mass of solids on the rail.
Connects to an Automation grid to automatically turn material transfer off when the specified amount has passed through it.
Green: Reset counter and start material transfer
Red: Nothing
-10 W
1 x 2 tiles
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
50 kg Plastic.png
Solid Control
Transports Solid Materials on a track between Conveyor Loader and Conveyor Receptacle.
Can be run through wall and floor tile.
Rails move materials where they'll be needed most, saving Duplicants the walk.
20 kg 1 x 1 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Transport
Unloads Solid Materials from a Conveyor Rail into storage.
When materials reach the end of a rail they enter a receptacle to be used by Duplicants.
100 kg 1 x 2 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Metal Ore.png
Solid Control
Connects to an Automation grid to automatically turn Solid Material transport on or off.
Automated conveyors save power and time by removing the need for Duplicant input.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-10 W
1 x 2 tiles
100 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Control
Automatically digs out all materials in a set range.
A robo-miner's range can be viewed at any time by selecting the building.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-120 W
2 x 2 tiles
200 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Transport
Separates one Solid from the conveyor, sending it into a dedicated Conveyor Rail.
All solids are sent into the building's output conveyor, except the solid chosen for filtering.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-120 W
3 x 1 tiles
50 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Management
This content is added by Spaced Out!
Allows Solids to be loaded to the storage of a linked rocket.
Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform or another Rocket Port.
Uses the solid material filters set on the linked Rocket Platform.
Rockets must be landed to load or unload resources.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-240 W
2 x 2 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Control
This content is added by Spaced Out!
Allows Solids to be unloaded from the storage of a linked rocket.
Automatically links when built to the side of a Rocket Platform or another Rocket Port.
Uses build-in solid material filters.
Rockets must be landed to load or unload resources.
Green: Enable
Red: Disable
-240 W
2 x 3 tiles
400 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Solid Control


Conveyor Rail Sensors are unlocked by the Solid Management research.

In Name Automation Output Materials
Green: The configured item is on the rail
Red: The configured item is not on the rail
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
Green: The number of Germs on the object on the rail is within the selected range
Red: Otherwise
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png
50 kg Plastic.png
Green: The contained item is within the selected Temperature range
Red: Otherwise
25 kg Resource Category Refined Metal.png