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EX1-467401 is an update for Oxygen Not Included - Spaced Out! released on June 10, 2021. Official Release Notes

Update Information

Hello everyone!

Today's testing branch is a little different than usual: We've been working to unify the code-bases between the original and Spaced Out versions of the game. This patch is your first glimpse of the updated base game. Now, when you toggle the DLC on and off from the main menu, it will be running on the same code, rather than having to re-download the entire game from Steam! (Note: if you want to go back to the current base game, you can still toggle off the DLC entirely through the Steam interface.)

What we're working on here is the continuing evolution of Oxygen Not Included. While our attention has been mostly on the DLC lately, our desire has always been to improve and evolve the game as a whole. There are a number of changes we've made in Spaced Out which are just general good improvements to the game, or that we had planned for the base game all along but finally got the opportunity to implement during Spaced Out development.

Of course, this includes the many bug fixes and minor improvements we've made during Spaced Out's development, including fixing several major simulation bugs and countless typos. It also means modding should be simplified because there is only one version of the game to mod against.

And do we ever have a modding update! Modders, please read Updating to Harmony 2.0. To all players: these significant technical changes are going to result in many mods needing updating in order to work. Please be kind to the modding community and give them time to react to the new code.

This patch also includes updating our development to the next major version of the Unity engine. While this has little impact on what you see as a player, it's necessary for us to continue supporting the game and pushing development forward.

Critically though, there are several features that you've seen in Spaced Out which are now going to be part of the base game. These include:

  • Meter Valves are now in the base game
  • Oxygen Masks are now in the base game
  • Some shuffling of the tech tree, notably moving most of the Conveyor Rails techs one tier earlier
  • Updated food storage mechanics will be the same in both versions of the game
  • Suit durability mechanics will be available in the base game
  • "Stinging eyes" and related debuffs give all players more reason to be cautious with chlorine
  • The Diagnostics panel, updated Resource screen, and other UI improvements will be consistent for all versions of the game
  • New traits, including skill-granting traits where appropriate (coming soon!)
  • Demolition skill will be available for everyone!

All other new content (in particular, the new rockets and multi-asteroid starmap, and all radiation buildings and overlay) will remain in Spaced Out only.

We're still working through a long list of things to separate between the two versions of the game, so right now Spaced Out owners have the chance to try it out on the testing branch! Just launch the game as usual, and use the button in the main menu to toggle the DLC off. (You'll know it worked if your build number starts with "MD")

Thanks for sticking with us through this large technical challenge. If you notice anything that seems to be amiss between the two versions of the game, please report it as a bug! And as always, we'd love to hear any other feedback you have. Take care!

What does this testing branch contain so far?

Here are the changes we've made so far in this update, loosely categorized:


Please note! All items in this list are currently only for Spaced Out! owners on the Testing Branch

  • New Unified version of the Base Game based on the Spaced Out! codebase
    • Now Spaced Out! owners can use the button in the main menu to quickly toggle between Spaced Out! and the original Oxygen Not Included experiences
    • Spaced Out! players will be familiar with the fixes and improvements contained in this codebase, but now you can enjoy those fixes in the Base Game!
  • Content Merged to base Oxygen Not Included
  • Meter Valves
  • Oxygen Mask Station and associated buildings
  • Demolish skill
  • Gas/Liquid Irritation
  • Suit durability (configuration and defaults still WIP)
  • New Diagnostics and Resources panels
  • Added sound for Solid, Liquid and Gas Meter Valves
  • Added sound for Drillcone
  • Added research tier descriptions
  • Space POI descriptions
  • New Codex Entries (all plant codexes are now up-to-date)
    • Sporechid
    • Experiment 52B
  • Updated Harmony modding library to This obsoletes all DLL mods in the test branch. Please be kind to your modders, as this is a rather large change for them to deal with! Modders, the full details are in this post.
  • Upgraded Unity Engine to 2020.3

Changes And Improvements

  • Updated Russian and Chinese translations
  • Revised the radbolt port design on the Diamond Press, tweaked rotation and interact anims.
  • Added Drillcone diamond storage meter
  • Moved Liquid Meter Valve and Gas Meter Valve to different techs
  • Revised the landed animation for the Solar Panel Module
  • Revised colours on the Materials Research hat
  • Worldgen:
    • Some geyser configurations allow duplicate geysers to be selected for more randomness.
    • Fixed an issue where an unintended amount of geysers were spawning on some asteroids.
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes the destination Teleporter Transmitter POI would sometimes appear above the surface in the Forest and Swamp clusters.
    • Terra Cluster (Spaced Out Style):
      • Increased minimum starting area size.
      • Moved the Jungle's Cool Steam Vent a bit further away.
      • Switched guaranteed marsh geyser from Cool Steam Vent to Natural Gas Geyser.
  • (Modders) WorldGen file structure changes.
    • Deprecated 'pointsOfInterest' in favor of subworldTemplateRules.
    • TemplateRules by default do not allow duplicates. Use allowDuplicates=true to override.
    • Moved SubWorld specific geysers to World files and changed them to be guaranteed.

Bug Fixes

  • Desalinator no longer has a minimum output temperature for Brine
    • This may break some existing setups (frozen output pipes)
  • Duplicants now properly migrate between worlds when changing worlds in both rockets and through the Teleporter Transmitter.
  • Fixed issue with lead suits where dupes would not rush to return suit if the lead suit tank was almost empty but the oxygen tank was still full
  • Updated title text for the update image in the main menu
  • Corrected capitalization of kilogram
  • Fixed issue where buildings did not refresh their skill-required operations when Duplicants were teleported between worlds
  • Clicking on the Skills button no longer crashes the game after a Spacefarer Module has been deconstructed
  • Fixed crash that could occur when collecting space artifacts with multiple Artifact Transport Modules on the rocket
  • Space POI resources are now discovered when mined allowing them to be unloaded using rocket ports
  • Diamond Press radbolt meter hookup

What is open testing?

"Open testing" means players get to test-drive new content early and give us feedback and suggestions before it goes live. Because this is an unfinished and in active development version of the game, it's pretty likely you'll encounter bugs, crashes or balance issues while playing these builds. We'll try to fix any problems that crop up as quickly as we can, but it's possible you'll lose progress in your games while playing on the Testing branch.

Regarding performance, the Testing branch has additional debugging tools enabled to help us track down crashes. This makes the game run more slowly than the live version of the game.

Please also be aware that once a save is loaded in the Testing branch, it cannot be reopened again in the previous Live branch or previous builds.

What do I do if I find a crash or a bug?

Post it up on the Bug Tracker and we'll fix it as soon as we can. If you can attach a copy of your save file to your report, that helps us even more as we can pinpoint the source of problem more quickly.

Do I have to play the open testing build?

Nope! If you'd prefer to only play a stable build, you can continue to play in the current Default branch until the game launches in full. Playing the Open Testing build isn't necessary, but it helps us a lot to receive your feedback and reports - if you're interested, try it out!

How do I become an open tester?

There's no sign up or registration for becoming an open tester. If you own Oxygen Not Included plus the Spaced Out! DLC and want to join the Testing Branch, all you have to do is play the Open Testing build on Steam.

How do I play the open testing build?

You can switch your branch on Steam using the instructions below:

How to change branches in Oxygen Not Included (Steam)

  • You must own the Spaced Out! DLC
  • In Steam, click on Library > Games.
  • Scroll down to Oxygen Not Included.
  • Right-click and select Properties.
  • Go to the BETAS tab.
  • In the dropdown, select the name of the branch you want to play. In this case, the branch name is "public_testing"
    • This branch does not require a password.
  • In that same Properties window, go to the Local Files tab and press "Verify Integrity Of Game Cache."
  • Your game will be updated to the the previous branch.
  • Launch and play Oxygen Not Included

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Drillcone Module
Research (Spaced Out)
Stinging Eyes
Atmo Suit537329
Conveyor Meter471618
Diamond Press482865
Experiment 52B497575
Food (Resource)494396
Gas Meter Valve471618
Jet Suit471618
Liquid Meter Valve471618
Oxygen Mask494396
Oxygen Mask Checkpoint473720
Oxygen Mask Dock473720
Planetoid Clusters568201
Research (Spaced Out)597172
Starmap (Spaced Out)490405

See Also