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A Duplicant is one of the tiny, frustrating, but also endearing clones that the player manages in Oxygen Not Included. Each are printed with unique traits and have needs that must be fulfilled so they can survive. New games begin with a selection dialog where the player has to select three randomly generated Duplicants.

As the game progresses, a player may get more of them from the Printing Pod. You can also get a Duplicant from a Cryotank 3000 in the Spaced Out! DLC.

Duplicant Selection

The Duplicant selection dialog as it appears during the game.

New Game Menu

At the start of the game, as the last step of the Game Settings, three Duplicants are to be selected as the starting team. The player may reroll any Duplicants any number of times. Players can also select one interest for a Duplicant to guarantee they will have the selected interest when rerolling. The Duplicant can be renamed in this menu.

Printing Pod Menu

After the Printing Pod's cooldown timer is finished after 3 Cycles, it will become ready, giving the opportunity to either receive a new Duplicant or a Care Package. Unlike the start of the game, the Duplicants cannot be rerolled[1]. If no Duplicants are deemed suitable for the colony, you can reject all options. Exiting the dialogue will not reject the printing options and can be re-entered at a later time. The cooldown of the printing pod will not start until a Duplicant has been selected or rejected.

Starting Bonuses

Example starting bonuses.

When a Duplicant is rolled, one to three random interests will be chosen. Each interest provides a starting bonus to the related attribute. The amount depends on the number of interests that were chosen. One interest will result in a +7 bonus, two interests a +3 bonus, and three interests a +1 bonus to each attribute.

Extra points based on the Duplicant's traits may be applied. These can be found in the Traits section under the "Interest Attribute Modifier" column. If a Duplicant has more than one interest, the extra points are randomly divided across each of them.

In this example, the Duplicant has three interests which gives +1 to their associated attributes. The Unempathetic trait grants a +2 Interest Attribute Modifier. One of those is added to the Construction attribute and the other is added to the Digging attribute.

Note that Supplying and Tidying have the same corresponding attribute Strength. The bonus to Strength does stack, but the UI incorrectly displays the total bonus for both interests. If a Duplicant is rolled with both Supplying and Tidying, they will receive a +3 bonus to Strength for Tidying and +3 bonus to Strength for Supplying. This means the Duplicant will start with a Strength of 6. However, the UI will display "+6 Strength" next to both interests implying the Duplicant will get a +12 bonus which is not the case.

Duplicant Properties

Properties are aspects of Duplicants that aren't leveled and can't be intrinsically changed (as opposed to Skills). However, many Properties have positive and negative Traits associated with them.


Property Base Value Positive Trait Negative Trait
Oxygen Consumption 100 g/s Diver's Lungs (-25 g/s)
Deep Diver's Lungs (-50 g/s)
Mouthbreather (+100 g/s)
Carbon Dioxide Production 2 g/s Diver's Lungs (-500 mg/s)
Deep Diver's Lungs (-1 g/s)
Mouthbreather (+2 g/s)
Calorie Consumption 1000 kcal/Cycle None Bottomless Stomach (+500 kcal/cycle)
Bladder Rate 100% per Cycle None Small Bladder (+0.2%/cycle)
Toilet Speed 100% None Irritable Bowel (-50%)
Scalding Temperature 71.85 °C / 161.33 °F (without Atmo Suit) None None
Frostbite Temperature -90 °C / -130 °F (without Atmo Suit) None None


Need Description
  • Gain 0.9%/s in breathable conditions, lose 0.9%/s in unbreathable
  • Interrupt activity at 72.72% (after 30 seconds)
  • Suffocation warning at 45.45% (after 60 seconds)
  • Death at 0% (after 110 seconds)
  • -70%/cycle base value
  • -10%/cycle if wearing Pajamas
  • +900%/cycle if sleeping normally
  • +400%/cycle if sleeping due to exhaustion
  • Radiation Sickness
    • -20%/cycle from minor sickness
    • -50%/cycle from major sickness
    • -75%/cycle from extreme sickness
  • +50%/cycle while using a Beach Chair

Duplicants will collapse from exhaustion at 0% and sleep until 100% Stamina unless interrupted.

  • Maximum of 4000 kcal
  • Hungry at 3000 kcal
  • Starvation warning at 1000 kcal
  • Die at 0 kcal
  • By default, eat a maximum of 1500 kcal per cycle; need 1000 kcal per cycle
  • Becoming hungry interrupts sleep
  • Will eat during Downtime when below 3300 kcal
  • +100% per cycle
  • Will use a toilet when at 100% during work or above 40% during recreation
  • After 125 seconds at 100%, the Duplicant will make a mess
Body Temperature
  • Healthy temperature is 37 °C / 98.6 °F
  • In standard Oxygen conditions, contract Chilly Surroundings below 0 °C / 32 °F and Toasty Surroundings above 45 °C / 113 °F.


Each Duplicant has 11 different attributes. These attributes define how effectively Duplicants will perform those errands. Upon creation, Duplicant attributes are determined by their interests and certain traits. A negative Trait may lower a Duplicant attribute or prevent them from performing a specific errand.

All attributes can be trained by running related errands. This can increase an attribute by a maximum of 20 and is added on top of other modifiers.

Name Description Bonus per level
Construction Duplicant's building speed +25% construction speed
Excavation Duplicant's mining speed and combat ability +25% digging speed
+5% attack damage
Machinery How adeptly a duplicant uses machines +10% Machinery speed
+2.5% Engie's Tune-Up duration
Athletics Duplicant's movement speed +10% runspeed


How quickly a duplicant conducts research and gains attributes +40% research speed
+10% attribute leveling
Cuisine How quickly a duplicant cooks food +5% cooking speed
Creativity The speed and finesse with which a duplicant creates artwork +10% decorating speed
Strength Carrying capacity and tidying speed +25% tidying speed
+40 kg carrying capacity*
Medicine Medical skill and how well a Duplicant works with peers and creatures +10% compound fabrication speed
+20% medical care speed
Agriculture How quickly and efficiently a Duplicant raises plants +5% farming speed
+2.5% tending speed
+3.3% seed chance
+10% Farmer's Touch duration
Husbandry How quickly and efficiently a Duplicant raises critters. +10% groom effect duration
+10% lullaby speed

* Duplicant's initial carrying capacity is 200 kg.


Each Duplicant can have between 1 and 3 interests. Interests give bonuses to their related attributes, give a +1 Morale bonus for related Skills, and raise experience gain from associated activities, enabling skill points to be earned faster.

Building Cooking Decorating Digging Doctoring
Farming Operating Ranching Researching Suit Wearing
Supplying Tidying Rocketry


Inborn traits (traits duplicants start with) give bonuses or penalties to duplicants attributes. Negative traits may also make it impossible for a duplicant to perform certain Skills. Traits gained through certain skills mainly allow for the duplicant to use certain stations and perform certain errands.

Positive Traits

Name Description Attribute Bonus Interest Attribute Modifier Disabled Errands/Skills Miscellaneous Effects
Ancient Knowledge This Duplicant has knowledge from the before times. +3 Skill Points
Spaced Out!-exclusive except for Jorge (the Mysterious Hermit)
Animal Lover The fuzzy snoots! The little claws! The chitinous exoskeletons! This Duplicant's never met a critter they didn't like. +3 Husbandry
Buff This Duplicant has muscles on their muscles. +3 Strength
Caregiver This Duplicant has good bedside manner and a healing touch. +3 Medicine
Charismatic This Duplicant's so charming, chatting with them is sometimes enough to trigger an Overjoyed response. 1% chance of triggering Overjoyed Response in Duplicants chatted to
Exclusive to Jorge (the Mysterious Hermit)
Diver's Lungs This Duplicant could have been a talented opera singer in another life. -25 g/s Oxygen Consumption Rate (-25%)
Duress to Impress This Duplicant kicks into hyperdrive when the stress is on. +7 to all attributes Only active when above 60% stress
Early Bird This Duplicant always wakes up feeling fresh and efficient! +2 to all attributes Only active for the first 125 s of the day
Germ Resistant This Duplicant's immune system bounces back faster than most. Germ Resistance +1
Glow Stick Spaced Out Logo.png This Duplicant is positively glowing. Emits 100 rads/cycle
Emits 500 lux constantly
Radiation Resistance +33%
Gourmet This Duplicant's refined palate demands only the most luxurious dishes the colony can offer. +3 Cuisine Food Morale Bonus -1
Grease Monkey This Duplicant likes to throw a wrench into the colony's plans... in a good way. +3 Machinery
Green Thumb This Duplicant regards every plant as a potential friend. +3 Agriculture
Handy This Duplicant is a swift and skilled builder. +3 Construction
Innately Stylish This Duplicant's radiant self-confidence makes even the rattiest outfits look trendy. +25 Decor
Interior Decorator "Move it a little to the left..." +3 Creativity -5 Decor Perception
Iron Gut This Duplicant can eat just about anything without getting sick. Immune to Food Poisoning
Loner Spaced Out Logo.png This Duplicant prefers solitary pursuits. +4 to all attributes Only active when the Duplicant is alone on a world
Mole Hands They're great for tunneling, but finding good gloves is a nightmare. +3 Excavation
Night Owl This Duplicant does their best work when they'd ought to be sleeping. +3 to all attributes Only active at night (must use Red Alert or a special schedule)
Quick Learner This Duplicant's sharp as a tack and learns new skills with amazing speed. +3 Science
Radiation Eater Spaced Out Logo.png This Duplicant eats radiation for breakfast (and dinner). -0.25 Rads/s (up to -150/cycle)
Rads consumed in this way are converted to calories, up to 50 Kcals/cycle
Rock Fan Spaced Out Logo.png Meteor showers get this Duplicant really, really hyped. +3 to all skills when a meteor shower is occuring
Shrivelled Tastebuds This Duplicant could lick a Puft's backside and taste nothing. Food Morale Bonus +1
Starry Eyed Spaced Out Logo.png This Duplicant loves being in space. Morale Bonus +10 when in space
Twinkletoes This Duplicant is light as a feather on their feet. +3 Athletics
Uncultured This Duplicant has simply no appreciation for the arts. Decorating Decor Expectation -20
Skilled: Aesthetic Design This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Aesthetic Design
Skilled: Art Fundamentals This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Art Fundamentals
Skilled: Bedside Manner This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Bedside Manner
Skilled: Critter Ranching I This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Critter Ranching I
Skilled: Crop Tending This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Crop Tending
Skilled: Electrical Engineering This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Electrical Engineering
Skilled: Exosuit Training This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Exosuit Training
Skilled: Grilling This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Grilling
Skilled: Hard Digging This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Hard Digging
Skilled: Masterworks This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Masterworks
Skilled: Mechatronics Engineering This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Mechatronics Engineering
Skilled: Plumbing This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Plumbing
Skilled: Super-Duperhard Digging This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Super-Duperhard Digging
Skilled: Superhard Digging This Duplicant begins with a pre-learned Skill, but does not have increased Morale Requirements. -4 Unlocks Skill Superhard Digging

Negative Traits

Name Description Attribute Bonus Interest Attribute Modifier Disabled Errands/Skills Miscellaneous Effects
Allergies This Duplicant will sneeze uncontrollably when exposed to the pollen present in Floral Scent. +2 Contracts the "Allergies" disease when in contact with the Floral Scents germ.
Anemic This Duplicant has trouble keeping up with the others. -5 Athletics +5
Biohazardous All the vitamin C in space couldn't stop this Duplicant from getting sick. +2 -1 Germ Resistance
Bottomless Stomach This Duplicant might actually be several black holes in a trench coat. +4 -500 kcal/cycle
Building Impaired This Duplicant has trouble constructing anything besides meaningful friendships. -3 Construction +3
Critter Aversion This Duplicant just doesn't trust those beadly little eyes. -3 Husbandry +2
Flatulent Some Duplicants are just full of it. +3 Emits 100 g of Natural Gas every 10-40 s (average 4 g/s)
Gastrophobia This Duplicant has a deep-seated distrust of the culinary arts - Cooking
Irritable Bowel This Duplicant needs a little extra time to "do their business". +1 -50% Bathroom Speed
Kitchen Menace This Duplicant could probably figure out a way to burn ice cream. -3 Cuisine +2 +1 Food Morale Bonus
Loud Sleeper In space, everyone can hear you snore. +1 Wakes up duplicants within 3 tiles when sleeping, causing interrupted sleep. Can sleep in light.
Luddite This Duplicant always invites friends over just to make them hook up their electronics. -3 Machinery +2
Mouth Breather This Duplicant sucks up way more than their fair share of Oxygen. +5 +100 g/s Oxygen consumption
Narcoleptic This Duplicant can fall asleep anytime, anyplace. +5 Falls asleep every 300-600 s, for 15-30 s (average of 30 s per cycle)
Noodle Arms This Duplicant's arms have all the tensile strength of overcooked linguine. -3 Strength +3
Nyctophobic This Duplicant will imagine scary shapes in the dark all night if no one leaves a light on. +2 Needs light to sleep
Pacifist This Duplicant abhors violence. - Attacking
Plant Murderer Never ask this Duplicant to watch your ferns when you go on vacation. -3 Agriculture +2
Shabby Dresser This Duplicant's clearly never heard of ironing. +1 -15 Decor
Slow Learner This Duplicant's a little slow on the uptake, but gosh do they try. -3 Science +3
Small Bladder This Duplicant has a tiny, pea-sized Bladder. Adorable! +1 +0.2% Bladder/cycle
Squeamish This Duplicant is of delicate disposition and cannot tend to the sick. - Doctoring
Trypophobia This Duplicant's fear of holes makes it impossible for them to dig. +4 Digging
Unconstructive This Duplicant is incapable of building even the most basic of structures. +4 Construction
Undigging This Duplicant couldn't dig themselves out of a paper bag. -3 Excavation +3
Unempathetic This Duplicant's lack of bedside manner makes it difficult for them to nurse peers back to health. -3 Medicine +2
Unpracticed Artist This Duplicant proudly proclaims they "can't even draw a stick figure". -3 Creativity +2 +5 Decor Perception
Yokel This Duplicant isn't the brightest star in the solar system. Researching

Note that narcoleptic sleep can be interrupted by giving the Duplicant a movement command.

Also note that changes to skill distribution via traits has no effect on the maximum attribute level learnable, which is +20 not counting attribute or job modifiers.


Individual duplicants can have ownership of certain structures: Cots, Comfy Bed, Mess Tables, Massage Tables, Med Beds, Lavatory and Pharma Chambers. Each Duplicant can only be assigned to one, and they can be reassigned by the player at any time. They will automatically select them for themselves if left unassigned, or the duplicant becomes sick.


Duplicants occasionally express emotions or reactions to things around them. This indicates their status in ways that the player can keep track of.

Icon Description Icon Description
I am happy I am happy I am angry I am angry
I am enraged I am enraged I am unhappy I am unhappy
I am sleepy I am sleepy I am sick I am sick
I am hungry I am hungry I can not breathe I can not breathe
I am cold I am cold I am hot I am hot
I need the toilet I need the toilet I like/hate the decor I like/hate better decor
Something smells bad! Something smells bad! I am binge eating I am binge eating
I am crying I am crying I feel destructive I feel destructive
Loud noises It's too loud! I am stressed I am stressed
I am vomiting I am vomiting This is yuck This is disgusting!

See Also

  1. This can be bypassed by saving and reloading the game, which will regenerate all options.