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Cot reduces stress accumulation and increases productivity by giving duplicants a place to rest.

During scheduled bedtime duplicants will automatically sleep in the cot that has been assigned to them or claim the closest free one, if it is available.


Cots are the most basic and essential way of increasing the standard of living for your duplicants. If a duplicant sleeps without a bed, they will get the Sore Back status, increasing their stress and reducing their athletics parameter.

Cots are the main requirement of Barracks room which provides +1 morale bonus.


  • If a duplicant has a bed that is disabled, they will sleep on the floor.
  • Though they seem to be on 4 tiles at once when on a cot, the duplicants will be considered to be on the left side of the cot for the purpose of decor, sounds (Loud Sleeper) and so on.
  • The Cot has a health regeneration attribute of 25 per cycle (or ~1 per 25 seconds). However as Duplicants sleep only for 50–75 seconds in each cycle, the actual effect is around +2-3 HP per cycle.
  • To avoid waking up others due to Loud Sleeper (a negative trait) or sneezing, one can simply assign duplicants with different sleeping schedule to nearby cots without the need to create seperate room.
  • Beds cannot be shared; each duplicant has ownership of a single bed, and will not use a bed belonging to another duplicant.


See also