Manual Airlock

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Manual Airlock creates an airtight seal that maintains atmosphere and pressure between areas.

The Manual Airlock is ~1 second faster than unpowered Mechanized Airlock, but noticeably slower than powered or Pneumatic Door.

Manual Airlock and Mechanized Airlock can prevent the gases leaking into space when Duplicants access Space Biome.


  • This airlock, and all other doors can be built horizontally by rotating the blueprint, default button is the letter: O
  • Manual and Mechanized Airlocks count as floor tiles when closed, but not when open. Unlike Pneumatic Doors, Building atop them still works.
  • Manual Airlocks and Mechanized Airlocks don't get damaged by high liquid pressure, which makes them perfect for building large liquid tanks or liquid compressors.
  • Despite the name, the Airlock is not a fully-functional airlock, but rather an airtight door. Gases and liquids pass through it when opened. A proper airlock can be constructed by combing two Airlocks and some pumps.
  • Manual Airlocks can be constructed from Uranium Ore. This will result in a door that emits a small amount of Radiation (29 rads at the door itself, radiating 2 tiles away at 21 and 6.6 rads, respectively). This may clear very low levels of germ infestations, though a Mechanized Airlock may be better suited for desinfection purposes. Notice also that the door only emits radiation when closed, not when open.


  • Deconstructing a vertical manual airlock surrounded by tiles on the left, right and bottom will result in a natural tile, of the same material as the door, being created on the bottom block.
    • The mass of tile will be half the mass of the door.