Mesh Tile

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Mesh Tile is a type of Tile and can be used to enclose rooms. Mesh Tiles do not obstruct the flow of liquids or gasses, but still can support buildings, at the cost of a small decor penalty in an immediate vicinity.

Heat Exchange

For heat exchange, a mesh tile is classified as an entity (e.g. debris). Hence, a mesh tile thermally interacts with two objects:

  • the liquid or gas tile inside of it
  • the solid tile below it

For example, consider a mesh tile and a debris stack both composed of 100 kg Copper Ore. Recall that both mesh tiles and debris thermally behave as entities. If they are placed inside of a tile of steam and sitting on top of a sandstone tile, then they will exchange heat at the same rate.


  • Mesh tiles allow sunlight to pass through them with no loss of intensity, but block all other forms of light.
  • Mesh tiles block decor.
  • Mesh tiles prevent loss of gasses and liquids contained inside them when placed over exposed space in the Space Biome.
  • If liquid inside Mesh Tile condenses into an item, it will be pushed into closest open tile (in clock-wise direction starting from top-left tile[confirmation?])
    • It can be a convenient way to extract heat energy from Volcanoes with minimal infrastructure.
    • If there was enough liquid to form natural tile it will be created right over the Mesh Tile, blocking it.
  • Buildings that spill liquids onto the floor when in use like the Natural Gas Generator, Petroleum Generator, and the Polymer Press can be built on Mesh Tiles to redirect their liquid output and avoid flooding or manual mopping.
  • Can act as insulation tile when "filled" with a Vacuum.

See also