Pneumatic Door

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Pneumatic Doors enclose rooms without blocking the flow of Gases or Liquids. They open faster than unpowered airlocks and are useful to limit the movement of Dupes and Critters, so they stay in their preferred Biome or Stable, and to designate boundaries of morale-boosting rooms that dupes can cross.

Light and Decor can pass through Pneumatic Doors.


  • Pneumatic Doors cost the same as Airflow and Mesh Tiles, and require no Research, so using one door is cheaper than two tiles.
    • However, Pneumatic doors cannot provide support for the majority of buildings.
    • In addition doors also act as background walls, preventing gas and liquid loss from Space exposed tiles unlike airflow or mesh tiles. (Door in space are listed as space exposed, however no loss of material takes place, it is unknown if this is intended behavior)
  • You can set a door to be always open. It will save some waiting time.
    • Dupes obey access restrictions even when doors are open!
    • Critters, however, do not care and treat open doors as non-existent. Although, you still might want some of them wandering in your base for their decor value. Notice that leaving one Stable room will automatically re-assign them to the other, and may generate infinite loop of wranglings. Also, Critters inside an open door will get the "Confined" -10 Happiness penalty, which may be detrimental to ranching.
  • Pneumatic Doors do not block effects of the Loud Sleeper trait.
  • Dupes can stand on top of a door and climb there from an adjacent tile. So it can be a weirder, slower alternative to ladders.
  • Pneumatic Doors have a base overheat temperature of 75 °C. Therefore, when building them in the Oil Biome, Gold Amalgam needs to be used as the building material to increase the overheat temperature to 125 °C. Note however that temperatures inside the Oil Biome may exceed 125 °C sometimes, in which case Steel needs to be used.

See also


  • As of AU-218235, Pneumatic Doors do not properly block critter and item movement. Items will fall through them, Hatches will jump on them only to fall through, Duplicants will jump through locked Pneumatic Doors from Ladders as if the doors only prevented standing on the tile below them, but not actually moving through them.