Automatic Dispenser

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Automatic Dispenser is a variant of the Storage Bin that spits its contents on the ground to the side of it when given a Green automation signal. However, it has to be powered to hold items, and has a power draw of 60W and a heat output, unlike a basic storage container.


  • It will drop items just fine while non-powered, only automation functions require power.
    • Since they draw power constantly even when not in use, it is recommended to leave them unpowered whenever possible.
  • Dispensers generate Supply errands rather than Storage. Therefore, care should be taken while setting those up, as not to generate infinite hauling loops.
  • Automatic Dispenser set to "sweep only" are useful as quantum stockpiles.
    • Placing those on the edges of shafts can cut out some climbing time for haulers.
  • When placed on the edges of Auto-Sweepers range it can daisy-chain them into the single sweeping system, where throughput is now limited by Sweeper, which exceeds single Conveyor Rail line in at least x25 times.
