Gas Element Sensor

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Gas Element Sensor outputs a Green signal when the selected gas is present in the tile it occupies, otherwise it outputs a Red signal. It will always produce a Red signal if immersed in Liquid. Most commonly connected to a Gas Pump or Gas Shutoff.

Since the Sensor cannot occupy the exact same tile as the Gas Pump it is automating, it is best used in combination with a Gas Filter when sending gases to sensitive buildings like a Hydrogen Generator.


  • The Gas Element Sensor can be used to save power by only activating Gas Pumps when they are needed, for example during the active period of a Natural Gas Geyser.
  • Can be used to activate a Gas Pump when an undesirable gas is present, for example to remove Carbon Dioxide sitting on the bottom of a Chlorine room used for disinfecting.
  • In combination with a NOT Gate, it can deactivate a pump when a Gas is present. For example by setting the a sensor at the bottom of a room to detect Hydrogen a pump will run until all other gases have been removed from the area.