Weight Plate

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Weight Plate is an Automation building that outputs a Green/Red signal to automation grids. The signal changes when an item (e.g. solid debris), critter (including Slicksters) or Duplicant of sufficient weight is placed on it.

To provide a signal it must be connected to buildings by Automation Wire.

A Weight Plate compares pressure to the set threshold. You can select whether it activates if it is above or below that threshold.

The plate can function as a normal Tile.

It cannot be triggered by gas or liquids.

Pressure threshold is between 0 kg and 2000 kg.


  • The mass of critters can be looked up in their parameters tab. A Duplicant, for example, has mass of 30 kg.
  • It cannot detect the mass of buildings in the tile above it. For example it cannot detect the mass of rocket engine above it.