Blastshot Maker

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Blastshot Maker is a Station Building. It allows the Duplicants to produce Blastshot from Petroleum and certain Refined Metals.


The Blastshot Maker consumes 960 W of Power and requires Duplicant operation. Petroleum is delivered to the Blastshot Maker via fluid pipes.

Although the description says that Blastshot are crafted from Refined Metals without making any distinction, they can only be made with Iron, Copper, Aluminum and Cobalt.

The Blastshot Maker is five tiles wide. Dupe interaction is at the bottom middle tile, which means that a motion sensor on either side will not detect the Dupe, it must be placed above the building. Manufactured Blastshots are dropped on the floor at the fourth tile from the left.

Inputs Output
25 kg CopperCopper 50 kg PetroleumPetroleum 5 BlastshotBlastshot
25 kg AluminumAluminum
25 kg IronIron
25 kg CobaltCobalt

One operating cycle takes 80 seconds, reduced by the Duplicant's Machinery attribute. A single continually-operating Blastshot Maker is capable of producing up to 37.5 Blastshot per cycle when operated by a Duplicant with zero Machinery points, although this rate is difficult to achieve with a single machine because the solid inputs must be Supplied by Duplicants (as the Blastshot Maker lacks any Shipping inputs).
