Fish Feeder

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Fish Feeder is used to feed the Pacu and their variants. It must be built above a body of Water with the upper part accessible to Duplicants and at least two unoccupied tiles below submerged in a liquid and accessible to fish. Fish will prioritize eating from a Fish Feeder over debris (Algae or Seeds on the floor).

Fish will receive the "Ate From Feeder" status after each use of a Fish Feeder's supply, which decreases their wildness by -20%/cycle, with a duration of 1 cycle but as fish gain wildness at +5%/cycle, their wildness lowers by -15%/cycle . The taming process will be drastically faster by using algae rather than seeds (a wild fish's being satisfied with 1/3 of a seed causes it to not seek any food after a single serving even after the status effect wears off, while they require 140kg/cycle of algae). After taming is complete, you should swap to using seeds as fodder.

The feeder dispenses algae or seeds to the fish, no matter the variant. It does this in portions of 10 kg per feeding; if the feeder doesn't hold enough algae or seeds for a full portion, the feeder will dispense whatever is left. The feeder will only dispense more food if there is none available for fish to eat.


  • The graphic shows the building occupies 5 tiles -- it is not true. It only occupies 3 tiles. The central tile functions as a solid, floor tile. The feeding "spoon" does not occupy any tile but must be accessible by Pacu.
  • Each "nugget" displayed in the Fish Feeder graphic represents 20 kg.


Bug report

  • The graphic for the feeder will appear full once filled, but won't update when emptied. Once a fish feeder is filled, it will appear full forever.  This can also be done with varying levels of fullness, the graphic will only get more full but will never get less full.
  • The dispenser does not dispense "once per day". It will dispense so long as fish are consuming its output.