Critter Feeder

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Critter Feeder automatically dispenses food for hungry Critters. Critters tend to stay close to their food source and will wander less when given a Feeder. It can store up to 2000 kg of critter food. Critters will prioritize eating from a Critter Feeder over debris.


The following critters (and their variants) can feed from critter feeder:

For each critter type, you can choose which materials that critter can get from the critter feeder. The critter feeder will only store chosen materials and/or foods.

Food item as feeding material still grow stale over time inside Critter Feeder, and eventually turned into Rot Pile.

The following critters do not use critter feeder:


  • Storing materials in Critter Feeder belongs to the Storage errand, rather than Supply.

See also