Spice Grinder

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Spice Grinder allows Duplicants to spice up food to provide bonus for food. Duplicants will spice food as an errand. This building is required to be built in the Kitchen room to be functional.

List of recipes

Name Ingredients per 1000 kcal Description Effects
Spice Freshener.png Freshener Spice 0.1 unit Mealwood SeedMealwood Seed
3 kg SaltSalt
Slows the rate of food decompostion. Increases Freshness by the decay rate of that food *
Spice Rocketeer.png This content was added in Spaced Out
Rocketeer Spice
0.1 unit Fungal SporeFungal Spore
3 kg SucroseSucrose
Provides a boost to piloting abilities. Increases Piloting by 3 when ingested.
Spice Brawny.png Brawny Spice 0.1 unit Waterweed SeedWaterweed Seed
3 kg IronIron
Strengthens even the weakest of muscles. Increases Strength by 3 when ingested.
Spice Machinist.png Machinist Spice 0.1 unit Blossom SeedBlossom Seed
3 kg SlimeSlime
Improves operating skills when ingested. Increases Machinery by 3 when ingested.

*i.e. spiced food will not decay if stored in a refridgerator and normal atmosphere. Also means food will gain freshness if stored in more preservative conditions (deep-freeze, sterile atmosphere).


  • Seasoning food with Freshener Spice is the only way for food to regain freshness.


  • U44-535720: Added a list of recipes to the Spice Grinder building's database entry.
  • U43-525812: Introduced.