Room Overlay

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The Room Overlay is one of the Overlays in Oxygen Not Included. Rooms confer a variety of bonuses, but most rooms will provide a buff to Duplicant morale.

A room can only be one type, if a room meets the requirements of multiple types of room simultaneously then it will be treated as a "miscellaneous room" with no bonus until it is specialized as a single type.

The room size requirements are measured in two-dimensional area, so a rectangular room 10 tiles wide and 4 tiles high has a room size of 40 tiles.


Miscellaneous Room

An enclosed space with plenty of potential and no dedicated use.

  • Enclosed by wall tiles (and doors)

The game has detected that this area is small enough to count as an enclosed room but it has not recognized the contents as one of the other room types below.


It's a step up from doing one's business in full view of the rest of the colony. Using a toilet in an enclosed room will improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +1

The Latrine is the basic version of the Washroom, usually build using Outhouse and Wash Basin. Note that Composts do not count as "Industrial machinery" so you can include them in your Latrine to prevent duplicants carrying Polluted Dirt outside of the bathroom (and getting covered in Food Poisoning again from handling it).


A sanctuary of personal hygiene. Using a fully plumbed Washroom will improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +2

The improved version of the Latrine using flush toilets and plumbed sinks. Washrooms can contain unplumbed wash stations, like Wash Basins, but must have at least one Sink, Shower or Hand Sanitizer.


A basic communal sleeping area for up-and-coming colonies. Sleeping in Barracks will improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +1

A common tactic is to build Barracks 4 tiles high and fill them with Paintings to buff Duplicant's "Average Decor this cycle" while they sleep. This design makes it easy to upgrade to a Bedroom as soon as enough Plastic is available for Comfy Beds.

Luxury Barracks

An upscale communal sleeping area full of things that greatly enhance quality of rest for occupants. Sleeping in a Luxury Barracks will improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +2

An improved version of the Barracks, with Comfy Beds instead of Cots. Provides slightly more Morale.

Private Bedroom

A comfortable, roommate-free retreat where tired Duplicants can get uninterrupted rest. Sleeping in a Private Bedroom will greatly improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +3

An improved version of the #Luxury Barracks, with a single Comfy Bed for one Duplicant. Provides additional Morale.

Mess Hall

A simple dining room setup that's easy to improve upon. Eating at a mess table in a Mess Hall will increase Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +3

The low requirements for a Mess Hall room make it an excellent source of Morale in the early game.

Great Hall

A great place to eat, with great decor and great company. Great! Eating in a Great Hall will significantly improve Duplicants' Morale.

Morale Bonus: +6

The upgraded version of the Mess Hall. A Bluff Briar will meet the decor requirement even if you don't have Art Student duplicants. A Water Cooler will meet the recreation item requirement. These requirements are actually quite easy to meet in the early game. Alternatively, the Party Line Phone takes up half the space of a Water Cooler & isn't much futher along in the tech tree.


A cooking area equipped to take meals to the next level. Adding ingredients from a Spice Grinder to foods cooked on an Electric Grill or Gas Range provides a variety of positive benefits.

Enables usage of the Spice Grinder.

Massage Clinic

A soothing space with a very relaxing ambience, especially when well-decorated. Receiving massages at a Massage Clinic will significantly improve Stress reduction.

Massage Tables +100% efficiency

The Clinic doubles the stress reduction effect of massage tables from -3% per minute to -6% per minute.


A dedicated medical facility that helps minimize recovery time. Sick Duplicants assigned to medical buildings located within a Hospital are also less likely to spread Disease.

While the room itself does not have any bonuses, and isn't required for the medical buildings to function, Duplicants assigned to the medical equipment in the room will also use the toilet and mess table in it, potentially reducing travel time (but also skipping morale buffs of eating and washing rooms).

Power Plant

The perfect place for Duplicants to flex their Electrical Engineering skills. Generators built within a Power Plant can be tuned up using power control stations to improve their power production.

Enables usage of the Power Control Station. Duplicants with the Electrical Engineering skill can use the Power Control Station to fabricate Microchips, which can then be used to upgrade any power generators within Power Plant rooms (+50% power for no extra fuel cost). The buff is temporary (3 cycles or more, depending on Duplicant attributes) and it consumes 5 kg of Refined Metal each time. The Power Control Station must be within a Power Plant room to function; likewise, power generators can only be boosted if they are within a Power Plant room themselves.


An enclosed agricultural space best utilized by Duplicants with Crop Tending skills. Crops grown within a Greenhouse can be tended with Farm Station fertilizer to increase their growth speed.

Enables usage of the Farm Station. Duplicants who have the Crop Tending skill can make Micronutrient Fertilizer at the Farm Station to apply a double growth speed buff for 1 cycle at the cost of 5 kg of Fertilizer per plant. The Farm Station must be within a Greenhouse to function; likewise, plants can only be boosted if they are within a Greenhouse themselves.


Critters don't mind it here, as long as things don't get too overcrowded. Stabled critters can be tended at a Grooming Station to hasten their domestication and increase their production.

Enables usage of Grooming Station, Shearing Station, Critter Condo, Critter Fountain and Milking Station. Critters can only be groomed if the Grooming Station and the critters to be groomed are both inside a Stable.


Where wild hypotheses meet rigorous scientific experimentation. Science stations built in a Laboratory function more efficiently. A Laboratory enables the use of the Geotuner and the Mission Control Station.

All science buildings receive a +10% efficiency bonus when inside a Laboratory. A Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner and the Mission Control Station. The Geotuner can be used to boost the output of a single researched Geyser; the Geyser may be located anywhere on the asteroid, but the Geotuner must be within a Laboratory to function.

Recreation Room

Where Duplicants go to mingle with off-duty peers and indulge in a little R&R. Scheduled Downtime will further improve Morale for Duplicants visiting a Recreation Room.

Enables the usage of recreational buildings during downtime. Duplicants will "mingle" during downtime in a Recreation Room if they have nothing else to do. "Mingling" basically just means that they will engage in conversation activities (the same ones that can randomly occur when near each other during work time). These activities generate a variety of small stress reduction buffs that last around 45–60 seconds each but do not affect morale.


A little greenery goes a long way. Passing through natural spaces throughout the day will raise the Morale of Duplicants.

Morale Bonus: +3

It isn't necessary for duplicants to spend any noticeable time in the park to obtain the buff, simply entering the room is sufficient, or even passing through the room in a transit tube. Clever room design can minimize any time delay to duplicant work schedules.

Nature Reserve

A lot of greenery goes an even longer way. Passing through a Nature Reserve will grant higher Morale bonuses to Duplicants than a Park.

Morale Bonus: +6

Upgraded version of the Park, requiring more space and wild plants but also giving double the morale bonus. The Morale bonuses of a Park and a Nature Reserve do not stack; the +6 from the Nature Reserve will override the lower +3 bonus from the Park.


  • When you need to meet minimum height requirements, keep in mind that only one vertical line of space needs to be 4 tiles or taller, a Private Bedroom, in the most extreme example could be 2x4 tiles for the Comfy Bed then just a vertical line somewhere that's 16 tiles high, how such an extreme case can be of any practical use is for you to explore.
  • The 32 tiles of minimum space requirement can be pretty tough fill completely for a laboratory, especially when two science buildings tends to take up more horizontal space than vertical. But the 120 tiles of maximum space leaves some room for creative setups that links two science buildings into one "room" with just a one tile tunnel connecting them.
  • If you leave some unexcavated tiles, granite or softer, in an area your duplicants regularly pass through, a Pip can plant seeds for you to create the wild plants needed for a Park or Nature Reserve. The Pip won't plant more than 3 seeds close together, so you'll need to space them out for a Nature Reserve. Your duplicants do not need to see the plants or sign to get the bonus, so connecting them in any way to a central ladder/fire pole/transit tube shaft will allow your duplicants to get the bonus whenever they pass through.


  • U44-535720:
    • Added Private Bedroom room type. Renamed Bedroom to Luxury Barracks.
    • Added Laboratory room type.
  • RP-379868: Maximum size for recreational room increased to 96 tiles.
  • OC-254439: Introduced recreational, greenhouse, and powerplant room.

See also