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U44-535720 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on December 15, 2022. Official Release Notes

Update Information:


Hi friends,

Welcome to the Hot Shots update for the base game and Spaced Out!

This is a really special one for us: not only are we adding some fun new buildings—including one that can boost geyser activity for extra-hot eruption action—we've also got a stowaway story trait, two new rooms and a sneak preview of ONI's new cosmetic skins! Whew.

If you're new to our little corner of the cosmos, you can find out more about story traits, skins and the future of ONI in the here.

Let's dig in!

New Buildings and Rooms

We added a Conduction Panel that exchanges heat with buildings that it overlaps with, offering a new way to cool down space industry buildings—or whatever else you've decided to build in the glorious vacuum of your asteroid's surface.

The Mission Control Station broadcasts guidance data that ramps up a rocket's speed during flight. It needs to be built inside one of the new rooms (the Laboratory) with a line of sight to space in order to function. The Laboratory also enables the use of the Geotuner…

We like making things go "boom" as much as anyone else, and the Geotuner is built to do just that: aim it at an analyzed geyser anywhere on your asteroid, send a Duplicant over to compile some amplification data, and your targeted geyser will automatically get a little extra juice (heat- and output-wise) the next time it's erupting. Are we nostalgic for our old science-fair days? Maybe.

Duplicants are now rewarded with an extra large morale boost when they are given a Private Bedroom. The Private Bedroom requires a single comfy bed, a fully constructed backwall, and a few decor items to make your Duplicants comfortable.

Story Trait: Mysterious Hermit

The Mysterious Hermit is the star of our latest story trait. Convince him to join your colony (and let you repurpose his old haunt) by completing some tasks, like delivering tasty, tasty food to his curious domicile.

Preview of ONI Skins

Each Duplicant's default outfit can now be customized in the Supply Closet screen. You can also explore different cosmetic skins for buildings and artworks there.

U44-535720-1.gif U44-535720-2.gif

The ONI skins system is still a work in progress. We're not interested in rushing it. In the future, the primary method for obtaining new skins (which we're calling "blueprints") will be through timed drops. For now, we're setting everyone up with a few intro blueprints so that you can get a sneak peek at how it all works and let us know what you think.

To claim these sampler sets of ONI blueprints: Click on "Supply Closet" in the Main Menu, and hit the "Check Shipments" button. That'll take you to the Rewards webpage, which has three free mystery shipments up for grabs—you're welcome to redeem all three. You can then view your collection of blueprints in your online inventory or in-game, in your Supply Closet.

Quality of Life

We've made a bunch of quality of life improvements! It is now possible to order an artwork (such as a canvas or sculpting block) to be cleared or replaced with a different style of the same quality. Revisions to Drywall tuning make it significantly cheaper and faster to build. Drywall and floor tiles can now replace each other (rather than requiring a manual deconstruct and rebuild). Geysers now show their calculated average lifetime output in the details panel.

And many more you can see in the full patch notes.


We've added a new Mysterious Hermit story trait, a Conduction Panel, Geotuner, and Mission Control Station, as well as a preview of the new ONI skins system (aka blueprints). We've also made some quality of life improvements and squashed a few bugs.

If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary, unsupported Update branch.

As always, we welcome your thoughts on this update! bugs here, or your feedback here. We read it all!

Full patch notes below.

Hot Shots patch notes


  • All versions
    • Added Mysterious Hermit story trait.
    • Added Geotuner building.
    • Added Mission Control Station building.
    • Added Conduction Panel building.
    • Added Private Bedroom room type. Renamed Bedroom to Luxury Barracks.
    • Added Laboratory room type.
    • Preview of the new cosmetic skins system, including three free sample sets of skins (called "blueprints").

Changes and Improvements

  • All versions
    • Telescopes and Space Scanners have changed how they calculate sky visibility. These buildings now can work under multiple layers of glass tiles and denser gas/liquids.
    • Renamed Phosphorous to Refined Phosphorus to make it easier to differentiate from Phosphorite.
    • Geysers now display an Average Output once analyzed.
    • Geysers are now renamable. They start with a unique name identifier so it's easier to tell them apart.
    • Reveal the asteroid's surface when you launch a rocket after it reaches space.
    • Drywall changes
      • Significantly reduced Drywall construction time and construction mass.
      • Drywall now provides a small decor boost.
      • Moved Drywall to "Base" build menu category.
      • Moved Drywall to Textile Production tech.
      • Drywall can replace tiles and vice versa.
    • Pedestals, Sweepy Bots now lists artifacts and keepsakes before other items.
    • Added Camera Speed slider to Game Options screen.
    • Added names for existing paintings and statues.
    • Canvases and sculpting blocks now let you select a different artwork of the same quality. You can also clear artwork.
    • Changed building material selection panel to a vertically scrolling grid.
    • Adjusted room colors for Deuteranopia and Protanopia color blind modes.
    • Room overlay legend was reordered such that the Kitchen appears near the other dining room types.
    • Fixed issue causing some menu backgrounds to be incorrectly sized after a window size or resolution change.
    • Added icons on the specific database pages for room type when you click on a category
    • Added a list of recipes to the Spice Grinder building's database entry.
    • Dream bubbles now have a journal icon in them.
    • Updated Data Collection options menu to ask the player to restart after changing the setting. Also renamed it to "Data Communication".
  • Base game only
    • Added Spaced Out! store link to the main menu for users who don't already own it.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Artifact Transport Module lists artifacts and keepsakes before other items.


  • All versions
    • Fixed a crash using the Sandbox delete tool on a Duplicant with a balloon.
    • Unequipping Pajamas from a Duplicant who is sleeping and dreaming will no longer make the Duplicant keep the dream bubble forever.
    • Fixed issue causing all Spice Grinders displaying the same food when hovering one Spice Grinder.
    • Fixed sound issue related to solid resin.
    • Fixed issue that allowed Duplicants to get stuck when trying to enter a Transit Tube.
    • Fixed a transit tube related crash loading some saves.
    • Duplicants interrupted while eating at a Mess Table no longer play the eating animation when using other buildings.
    • Attack tool now correctly applies the selected priority.
    • Capture tool now updates the priority of critters already marked for capture.
    • Fixed "Resume Game" and load game screens not handling daylight savings time.
    • Fixed typos in the Heat database entry.
    • Updated Serum Vial recipe description to mention Zombie Spores instead of Slimelung.
    • Removed empty parentheses beside the decor item room requirement in the build menu.
    • Database entry for Critter Flux-O-Matic now displays expanded descriptions for each critter.
    • Modding: Fixed issue in the sim loading more than 255 elements.
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when uprooting an Oxyfern.
    • Fixed "Doodle Dee Duplicant" painting sticking around after deconstructing the canvas.
    • Fixed crash composting a spiced food. Note that it loses its spices in the process.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Fixed Sponge Slug incorrectly using Gas Output instead of Liquid Output.
    • Destroying rocket modules now properly cleans up related chores.
    • Fixed a bug that showed the status item "No Research Selected" when all researches were completed on the Space Out version by the Materials Study Terminal building.
    • Fixed rocket launch button sometimes displaying "Automation Controlled" or "Begin Launch Sequence" incorrectly.
    • Renamed rocket interior tiles to "Rocket Wall" and clarified building restriction on rocket fitting building placement.
    • Fixed missing string for Ladder Bed stamina.
    • Removed duplicate Niobium Geyser entry in the database.

Changes since the last Public Testing update


  • All versions
    • Updated Chinese translation


  • All Versions
    • Updated Mysterious Hermit to use their localized name and description.
    • Fixed crash that could occur when changing building blueprint selection in the build menu on an unresearched building.
    • Fixed a bug where the Geyser status item and Geyser tracker animation would not update when loading a save or when destroying geotuners that have a geyser assigned but have not yet been worked.
    • The Mysterious Hermit's Mailbox can now be deconstructed post story trait completion.
    • Resolved a crash when deconstructing the Gravitas Shipping Container while a Duplicant is in the process of storing something.
    • The Duplicant knocking on the Gravitas Shipping Container no longer ignores death to continue knocking.
    • Fixed Duplicants wearing the incorrect outfit when equipping Oxygen Masks or balloons.

Additional fixes in 535842

  • All Versions
    • Fixed issue preventing replacement tiles and drywall from completing construction.
    • Fixed issue causing rocket "Acknowledge Warnings" button to frequently revert state while selected.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Gravitas Shipping Container
Supply Closet
Telescope (Base Game)
Blank Canvas587362
Comfy Bed582745
Conduction Panel575720
Flower Pot535720
Ice Block587362
Landscape Canvas587362
Large Sculpting Block587362
Marble Block587362
Metal Block587362
Mission Control Station546664
Mysterious Hermit582745
Portrait Canvas587362
Refined Phosphorus537329
Room Overlay552078
Sculpting Block587362
Space Scanner561558
Story Trait552078
Telescope (Spaced Out)494396
Wall Pot535720

See Also