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U47-561558 is an update for Oxygen Not Included released on June 15, 2023. Official Release Notes

Update Information


Hey friends!

We're twice as excited as usual today, because not only is the June 2023 Quality of Life update's also time for our big annual publisher sale on Steam!

This minor update includes bug fixes, UX improvements for both the base game and Spaced Out! DLC and a new category of blueprints, aka cosmetic skins.

Highlights include:

  • Significant changes to the Space Scanner, Telescope and Enclosed Telescope!
  • Improved range visualization!
  • New category of blueprints! (aka cosmetic skins)
  • New Move To tool for objects!
  • A strange new asteroid and Puft atmo suit for Klei Fest!

Space Scanner, Etc

We've made big changes to the Space Scanner, Telescope and Enclosed Telescope. That includes simplifying the mechanics on the scanners to focus on network quality—now calculated by the total percentage of sky covered—and synchronizing automation among all scanners that target the same object.

An obstructed tile now blocks visibility from that tile out towards the nearest edge of the scanning range. Plus, improved range visualization makes obstructions super easy to spot...see below.

These improvements (and others!) might necessitate adjustments in your colony's current setup, so there's a 20-cycle pause on meteor showers.

Improved Range Visualization

We took the range visualization that we recently added to the Meteor Blaster, pepped it up and applied it to other buildings. Now you can tell at a glance exactly what's going on with each building's view of the sky. (Apologies to anyone who enjoyed guessing.)

A Bunch of Cool Things

There's a new version of the Move To tool that lets you instruct Duplicants to transport objects to a specific spot! Sinks no longer produce less water than they consume! Robo-Miners can now mine through open doors! We added ~50 new blueprints, including our first-ever Atmo Suit skins! Oh, and remember when a Duplicant might work up a sweat digging up a seed or a chunk of ore, only to have the dang thing pop out on the unreachable side of a wall? We fixed that too.

Klei Fest Surprises!

The universe is vast and unknowable, especially when there's a Temporal Tear at play. A new asteroid has plinked into existence. It's familiar and yet... not.

The Skewed Asteroid is a fixed seed (i.e. impervious to worldgen shenanigans) that allows players to share the experience of exploring the same unknown landscape simultaneously. We can't wait to see how your colonies adapt! Share your success stories, tales of despair and everything in between here.

Playing during Klei Fest also unlocks a special new 'print: the Puft Atmo Suit! Fits like a glove, and hardly smells at all.



There have been some potentially game-changing upgrades to the Space Scanner, Telescope and Enclosed Telescope, and new ways to visualize scanning ranges! There's a special new asteroid and Puft Atmo Suit 'print for Klei Fest. And of course, bug fixes and UI tweaks.

We love hearing what you think! Send your bug reports here, and feedback or even (dare we hope?) screenshots of your Skewed Asteroid setup here.

Thank you to everyone who helped us smooth things out during the testing period!

If your mods are breaking or you need a little extra time before switching over, you can opt in to the temporary Previous Update Branch.

Play on!

June 2023 Quality of Life patch notes:

Changes and Improvements

  • All versions
    • Robo-Miners can now mine through open doors.
    • Space Scanners have significantly changed
      • Space Scanners no longer have individual network quality and now only use a shared network quality.
      • Network quality is now based on the total percentage of sky coverage: 50% of the sky provides 100% network quality.
      • Industrial machinery no longer impacts network quality.
      • Automation is synchronized between all Space Scanners targeting the same object. This means they go green/red at the same time.
    • Telescopes changes
      • Telescopes now have a symmetrical scanning range.
      • Obstructions now block visibility from the blocked tile out toward the outer edge of the scanning range. This is also true for other buildings that use the new range visualization system.
    • Meteor Blaster
      • Meteor Blaster can now target meteors above the buildable area.
      • The Meteor Blaster range visualization now shows obstructions and retains its color when overlays are enabled.
      • Adjusted the Meteor Blaster range visualization artwork to improve readability.
    • Range visualization
      • Auto-Sweeper, Robo-Miner and Duplicant Motion Sensor now use the new range visualization system.
      • Added range visualization for the following buildings: Telescope, Mission Control, and Space Scanner.
      • Steam Turbine shows obstructed tiles for steam intake.
    • Added save warning popup about Space Scanner and Telescope changes. Meteor showers are disabled for 20 cycles on existing saves.
    • Added plant harvest ready animations.
    • Duplicants cannot use suits from disabled lockers or return suits to empty disabled lockers.
    • Resources produced from completed errands will now drop towards the Duplicant completing the errand.
    • Jukebot under construction artwork changed to better represent its size.
    • Changed the opacity of Drywall under construction artwork.
    • Revised liquid geyser animations.
    • Added colorblind support for the priorities screen.
    • Updated Overjoyed Response blueprints tooltips in the Supply Closet to include descriptions.
    • The Pitcher Pump’s straw visuals update when tiles change, e.g. when sand falls from above.
    • Sandbox Reveal Tool can now reveal any kind of unrevealed tile.
    • Plants wilting in a Hydroponic farm tile show a unique status item when their storage is saturated with the wrong irrigation liquid.
    • Added Dev Radbolt Generator
    • Added priority to the Spice Grinder, affects the spicing and supply errands.
    • Food will no longer rot when stored in the Spice Grinder.
    • Performance
      • Improved Load Game screen performance: Faster scrolling and opening. Load game screen now shows only the 20 most recent saves. Added a "Load More" button to the bottom to show the next 20.
      • Improved resource, diagnostic, table screens opening/closing performance.
      • Improved overlay toggling performance.
      • Resource and research screen search bars wait for text entry to complete (0.2s trigger) before running search.
      • Improved Duplicant and general animation rendering performance.
      • Reduced stall when opening screens with Duplicant UI portraits.
    • Modding
      • Added AtLeft and AtRight tags to terrain tiles, which can be used like AtEdge except for a given side in worldgen template rules.
      • Added overridePlacement to worldgen template rules, which gives precise control over placement of POIs. It is generally a good idea to use the allowedCellsFilter instead for more flexible control.
      • Refactored ManualDeliveryKG chore.
      • Updated Oxygen Not Included Uploader to remove the 100mb mod size limit.
  • Base game only
    • Added standard asteroid category button to new game flow.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Added range visualization to Automation Broadcaster / Receiver, Interplanetary Payload Launcher, Targeting Beacon, and Enclosed Telescope.
    • Modding:
      • Labeled unused meteor shower seasons in worldgen configs.

New Features

  • All versions
    • Added Skewed Asteroid.
    • Added a “Move To” tool which orders Duplicants to move an item to a specific location.
    • Added Atmo Suit skins.


  • All versions
    • Fixed one instance of Duplicants passing through checkpoints without equipping the suit.
    • Fixed Sinks producing less water than consumed.
    • Meteors & Meteor Blaster:
      • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a stray meteor to land after a meteor shower stops.
      • Fixed rare occurrence of meteors falling through the base.
      • Corrected Meteor Blaster animation and ore ejection position.
      • Fixed a crash with the Meteor Blaster that could occur when a meteor is destroyed before launch.
      • Fixed Meteor Blaster firing multiple Blastshots at the same meteor.
    • Suits
      • Fixed atmo suits being dropped at lead suit markers, and vice versa.
      • Duplicants are now prevented from idling at the suit dock.
    • Fixed a crash that could happen when a Duplicant finishes wrangling a critter and another Duplicant with a higher husbandry skill is nearby.
    • Fixed issue causing baby Dreckos to not be selectable when they were on walls or ceilings.
    • Fixed a crash that happened in special situations with the Conduction Panel.
    • Fixed animation frame rate issues in a few animations.
    • Fixed an issue with Automation Ribbon end caps having incorrect ordering.
    • Fixed crash that could happen if a critter hatches near the Critter Flux-O-Matic.
    • Fixed a sidescreen crash with the Mysterious Hermit and Ancient Specimen story traits.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting the Mysterious Hermit's house in sandbox mode.
    • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when loading some saves.
    • Fixed a bug where the length of the Pitcher Pump's straw would sometimes not refresh properly if it was blocked by another building.
    • Clicking on Interests on the Select a Blueprint screen now correctly selects the Duplicant.
    • Fixed a bug where wrangling a critter immediately after having killed it would cause the critter to be forever stuck in the trussed state while also still being dead.
    • Fixed an issue with the aliasing on the Oil Refinery artwork.
    • Added animation for emptying bottles of liquid.
    • Fixed UI layout issue preventing cinematic screen close and proceed buttons from being visible on ultra-wide displays.
    • Fixed breathability diagnostic to better handle suits and telescopes which provide oxygen.
    • Spice Grinder missing resources status item now lists the exact amount of ingredients missing to spice the food
    • Fixed a crash that could happen if a Duplicant is not on a world.
    • Fixed memory leak of time lapse and preview screenshot textures.
    • Fixed crash occurring when Shove Voles were near the edge of the world.
    • Fixed crash that could occur when meteors fall near the right side of the world.
    • Worldgen:
      • Fixed issue with two unknown tiles associated with the Amber Fossil POI.
  • Base game only
    • Fixed save warning upgrading on saves last played prior to Bahni's Automation Innovation Pack extending beyond the screen.
  • Spaced Out! only
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes rockets would become inaccessible to Duplicants after landing.
    • Fixed a bug where liquids and gasses looped in a pipe from one rocket fitting input to a rocket fitting output were sometimes being deleted.
    • Fixed a bug where liquids, gasses, and occasionally solids could be deleted when unloaded from a rocket.
    • Fixed Supply Teleporter Input and Output visuals not matching the functioning of the building.
    • Fixed an issue loading older Spaced Out! saves.
    • Fixed crash that could happen unpausing an old save with a meteor shower happening on an undiscovered Regolith Asteroid.
    • Fixed an issue where the topmost tile of the world was not considered exposed to sunlight.
    • Fixed the atmo suit helmet disappearing and the wrong-colored gloves showing when using the Manual Radbolt Generator.
    • Spaced Out! starmap background now stretches to fill the horizontal screen space of even ultra-wide displays.
    • Fixed issue causing meteor showers to immediately start after loading a file that was saved before unpausing.
    • Worldgen:
      • Fixed an issue with the wasteland Hot Tub POI being entombed.

Changes since last public testing update

  • Added Skewed Asteroid
  • Updated Oxygen Not Included Uploader to remove the 100mb mod size limit.
  • Updated all translations.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when meteors fall near the right side of the world.
  • Atmo suit diorama background now shows correctly in Outfit Browser and Outfit Designer screens.
  • Updated Dev Radbolt Generator artwork.
  • Fixed issue causing meteor showers to immediately start after loading a file that was saved before unpausing.

You can join in the Discussion Topic here.
If you run into a bug, please visit the Klei Bug Tracker.

Affected Pages

Page Reflected Version
Dev Radbolt Generator
Supply Closet
Telescope (Base Game)
Asteroid Types562984
Automation Broadcaster561558
Automation Receiver561558
Duplicant Motion Sensor493472
Enclosed Telescope485768
Game Settings550759
Hydroponic Farm561558
Interplanetary Launcher444349
Meteor Blaster600112
Mission Control Station546664
Pitcher Pump561558
Space Scanner561558
Spice Grinder562984
Steam Turbine562984
Targeting Beacon561558
Telescope (Spaced Out)494396

See Also